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Can we set up Nginx upstream with different paths?


Im setting up docker dev environment that can run several app servers in one container. I also have real servers running in our test environment. Lets say I have 10 servers in the container but I dont want all to run at the same time. I want to set up nginx to route traffic for each app based on if the local server is running (sort of like a circuit breaker pattern). The below config is almost what I want but the issue is I need it to map to a different path if it uses the 'backup' server. I should also mention I have a /etc/host file config to hijack the requests to test.mycompany.com and route them to local nginx

upstream myapp{
  server backup;

server {
  listen 80;

  location /approot/ {
    proxy_pass http://myapp/;

As an example take this URL which runs from inside the docker host. host file config ensures it routes through nginx in the container:

If the server is up and running in the docker container nginx should route the request to:

If the server is down it should go to the backup server but with different path:

its basically working except I cant figure out how to add /approot/ back in for the backup server.

CodePudding user response:

I guess the below works and I dont really see much of a performance hit (its dev environment anyway so few milliseconds aren't going to kill me). Would still like a cleaner solution if there is one though. Basically if the server is not running it will send to which is another nginx reverse proxy which will route it to our test server. Luckily our test.mycompany.com is a load balanced url and we can also directly call test01/test02 directly, otherwise my host file would just route this right back to localhost in an infinite loop.

upstream myapp{
  server backup;

server {
  listen 80;

  location /approot/ {
    proxy_pass http://myapp/;

#add back in the root context
server {
  listen 8085;

  location / {
    proxy_pass http://test01.mycompany.com/approot/;

/etc/hosts test.mycompany.com

CodePudding user response:

I ended up going with the below since it is more extensible. Nice thing is it will sort of still load balance between the backups in a round about way. if a request comes in on port 80 it will try to proxy to port 8180 which then strips the /approot/ context and proxies it again to port 8082. If that errors it will automatically try the backups which are also pointing to nginx reverse proxies.

upstream myhosts{
  server backup;
  server backup;

server {
  listen 80;

  location /approot/ {
    proxy_pass http://myhosts/approot/;
    proxy_next_upstream error timeout http_502;

server {
  listen 8180;

  location /approot/ {

server {
  listen 8181;

  location /approot/ {
    proxy_pass http://test01.mycompany.com/approot/;

server {
  listen 8182;

  location /approot/ {
    proxy_pass http://test01.mycompany.com/approot/;

/etc/hosts test.mycompany.com

Few notes:

  1. nginx listens on port 80 by default and I had to disable this in nginx.conf (comment out the line include available-sites). This caused me hours of confusion since it looked like none of my configuration was having any effect.
  2. if you have an upstream that is also a reverse proxy it will return a 502 (bad gateway) response. nginx will not go to the next upstream by default in this case because it did infact establish a connection to something running on port 8180. Hence I had to add proxy_next_upstream http_502 in the first proxy for it to go to the backups.
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