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Assign to the maximum value the ID column


I have the following:

a <- c("ID_A", "ID_B", "Count")
b <- c("1", "1015", "19389")
c <- c("1", "1019", "206")
d <- c("1", "1027", "1210")
e <- c("2", "1019", "206")
f <- c("2", "1027", "1210")
df <- data.frame(a, b, c, d, e, f)

I want first to pivot_wider, that is get rid off the abcdef.
Then, I want to extract the maximum value of count, create a new variable (mutate) that has the ID_B of the highest value.

Something like this, with pivot_wider to get rid of abcdef:

a <- c("ID_A", "ID_B", "Count", "ID_B of max value")
b <- c("1", "1015", "19389", "1015")
c <- c("1", "1019", "206", "1015")
d <- c("1", "1027", "1210", "1015")
e <- c("2", "1019", "206", "1027")
f <- c("2", "1027", "1210", "1027")
new_df <- data.frame(a, b, c, d, e, f)

I tried group_by, sum, mutate. It doesn't work. Help please! Thanks a lot

CodePudding user response:

You could attempt this in a number of ways...however, it sounded like you might be interested in a tidyverse approach. If so, you can use both pivot_longer and pivot_wider to evaluate the max Count. Based on your example, it sounds like for each ID_A you want the ID_B that has the maximum Count value (unclear how you want to handle ties, if that is possible...in this case will just use the first ID_B). After you indicate which ID_B has the maximum Count, you can do the same to revert back to your original format.


df %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = -a, names_to = "old_vars", values_transform = list(value = as.numeric)) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = a) %>%
  group_by(ID_A) %>%
  mutate(ID_B_Count_Max = ID_B[Count == max(Count)[1]]) %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = -old_vars) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = old_vars)


  name               b     c     d     e     f
  <chr>          <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 ID_A               1     1     1     2     2
2 ID_B            1015  1019  1027  1019  1027
3 Count          19389   206  1210   206  1210
4 ID_B_Count_Max  1015  1015  1015  1027  1027

CodePudding user response:

I have made a couple of assumptions about your data, first that you intended the numbers to be numerics, and second that the data frame should be transposed so that it has columns ID_A, ID_B, and Count.

a <- c("ID_A", "ID_B", "Count")
b <- c(1, 1015, 19389)
c <- c(1, 1019, 206)
d <- c(1, 1027, 1210)
e <- c(2, 1019, 206)
f <- c(2, 1027, 1210)

I am using the data.table library, so make a data.table with your data:

df <- as.data.table(rbind(b,c,d,e,f))
names(df) <- a

Now I can make a new variable called ID_B of max value which corresponds to the value of ID_B at the value that maximises Count.

df[, `ID_B of max value` := .SD$ID_B[which.max(.SD$Count)] , by=ID_A]
   ID_A ID_B Count ID_B of max value
1:    1 1015 19389              1015
2:    1 1019   206              1015
3:    1 1027  1210              1015
4:    2 1019   206              1027
5:    2 1027  1210              1027

A few aspects of data.table to note here. First, the := operator is a special assignment operator. .SD means the current subset of the data, so with by=ID_A it corresponds to the subset defined by each value of ID_A.

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  • r max
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