Home > Enterprise >  Dplyr: Clean double-barrelled surnames
Dplyr: Clean double-barrelled surnames


I have a data.frame of names such as the following which has a sample of some surnames followed by an initial (e.g. Smith S or Lopez-Garcia M):

df<-data.frame(names=c("Adu-Amankwah E",
"Smith Dawson E",
"Lopez-Garcia M",
"Lopez Garcia MA",
"Garcia MAC",
"Lopez Garcia MA",
"Garcia MAC"))

I would like to pull out all those names with a double-barreled surname and do a little cleaning:

  1. pull out any with a hyphen (-) or two surnames (e.g. Lopez Garcia).
  2. I need to replace any of the following: Lopez Garcia MA,Lopez-Garcia MA or Garcia MAC with Lopez-Garcia M. And Smith Dawson E should be Smith-Dawson E.

Output would look like:

df<-data.frame(names=c("Adu-Amankwah E",
"Smith-Dawson E",
"Lopez-Garcia M",
"Lopez-Garcia M",
"Lopez-Garcia M",
"Lopez-Garcia M",
"Lopez-Garcia M"))

CodePudding user response:

As I mentioned in my comments, the challenge here is not so much parsing the character strings as it is defining the logic to

  • associate variants of the same name (ex. "Garcia MAC", "Lopez Garcia MA") under a representative label ("Lopez-Garcia M"); and still
  • avoid lumping together similar variants (like "Garcia A") of different names (like "Andy Garcia").

As such, your best approach might be to define a mapping table for known variations on the names.

Literal Mapping

A literal mapping involves typing out every known variant, next to the name it truly represents.

mapping_lit <- data.frame(
  True_Name = c("Adu-Amankwah E", "Smith-Dawson E", "Lopez-Garcia M", "Lopez-Garcia M",  "Lopez-Garcia M"),
  Variant   = c("Adu-Amankwah E", "Smith Dawson E", "Lopez-Garcia M", "Lopez Garcia MA", "Garcia MAC")

#>        True_Name         Variant
#> 1 Adu-Amankwah E  Adu-Amankwah E
#> 2 Smith-Dawson E  Smith Dawson E
#> 3 Lopez-Garcia M  Lopez-Garcia M
#> 4 Lopez-Garcia M Lopez Garcia MA
#> 5 Lopez-Garcia M      Garcia MAC

Once you have your mapping, a simple dplyr::*_join() should do the trick


# The LEFT JOIN preserves any names without matches, so you can handle them as you wish.
  by = c("names" = "Variant")

with the following result:

            names      True_Name
1  Adu-Amankwah E Adu-Amankwah E
2  Smith Dawson E Smith-Dawson E
3  Lopez-Garcia M Lopez-Garcia M
4 Lopez Garcia MA Lopez-Garcia M
5      Garcia MAC Lopez-Garcia M
6 Lopez Garcia MA Lopez-Garcia M
7      Garcia MAC Lopez-Garcia M

Regex Mapping

If you're skilled enough with regular expressions, you could just define one regex to represent all variants on each True_Name:

mapping_rgx <- data.frame(
  True_Name = c("Adu-Amankwah E",             "Smith-Dawson E",             "Lopez-Garcia M"),
  Pattern   = c("^(Adu[- ]?)?Amankwah( E)?$", "^(Smith[- ]?)?Dawson( E)?$", "^(Lopez[- ]?)?Garcia( M(AC?)?)?$")

#>        True_Name                          Pattern
#> 1 Adu-Amankwah E       ^(Adu[- ]?)?Amankwah( E)?$
#> 2 Smith-Dawson E       ^(Smith[- ]?)?Dawson( E)?$
#> 3 Lopez-Garcia M ^(Lopez[- ]?)?Garcia( M(AC?)?)?$

Once you have this mapping, you'll need a fuzzyjoin::regex_*_join() to match up the variants


# The LEFT JOIN preserves any names without matches, so you can handle them as you wish.
  by = c("names" = "Pattern"),
  # Account for typos in capitalization.
  ignore_case = TRUE

with the following result:

            names      True_Name                          Pattern
1  Adu-Amankwah E Adu-Amankwah E         (Adu[- ]?)?Amankwah( E)?
2  Smith Dawson E Smith-Dawson E         (Smith[- ]?)?Dawson( E)?
3  Lopez-Garcia M Lopez-Garcia M ^(Lopez[- ]?)?Garcia( M(AC?)?)?$
4 Lopez Garcia MA Lopez-Garcia M ^(Lopez[- ]?)?Garcia( M(AC?)?)?$
5      Garcia MAC Lopez-Garcia M ^(Lopez[- ]?)?Garcia( M(AC?)?)?$
6 Lopez Garcia MA Lopez-Garcia M ^(Lopez[- ]?)?Garcia( M(AC?)?)?$
7      Garcia MAC Lopez-Garcia M ^(Lopez[- ]?)?Garcia( M(AC?)?)?$


As I also commented, I might not recommend a stringdist approach in this situation. Each name varies not only in spelling but also in structure. It's entirely possible that two similarly structured entries for two different people

Variant True_Name
Garcia A Andy Garcia
Garcia MAC Lopez-Garcia M
Lopez-Garcia M Lopez-Garcia M

have a shorter string distance than do two differently structured variations on the same name:

# Run the full gamut of methods for 'stringdist::stringdist()'.
methods <- c(
  "osa", "lv", "dl", "hamming", "lcs", "qgram",
  "cosine", "jaccard", "jw", "soundex"

# Display string distances for variants of the same and of different names:
  # Compare different names.
  sapply(X = methods, FUN = function(x) {stringdist::stringdist(
    a = "Garcia MAC", b = "Garcia A",
    method = x
  # Compare variations on the same name.
  sapply(X = methods, FUN = function(x) {stringdist::stringdist(
    a = "Garcia MAC", b = "Lopez-Garcia M",
    method = x

#>      osa lv dl hamming lcs qgram     cosine   jaccard         jw soundex
#> [1,]   2  2  2     Inf   2     2 0.08712907 0.2222222 0.06666667       1
#> [2,]   8  8  8     Inf   8     8 0.27831216 0.5333333 0.20952381       1
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