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Reset State Variables To Initial Values xcode


What is the best way to go about resetting state variables, using a button. I've tried a load of different funcs but none work.

I'm trying to use this button:

primaryButton: .destructive(Text("Delete")) {



To reset these State variables:

@State var statsValue1 = 0 
@State var statsValue2 = 0 
@State var statsValue3 = 0 
@State var statsValue4 = 0 
@State var statsValue5 = 0 
@State var statsValue6 = 0

(which are in the main content view)

CodePudding user response:

How about using a view model, the @Published property wrapper notifies about any changes of the model and the reset function creates a new instance

struct Model {
    var value1 = 0
    var value2 = 0
    var value3 = 0

class ViewModel : ObservableObject {
    @Published var model = Model()
    func reset() {
        model = Model()

and a simple test logic in the content view

struct ContentView : View {
    @StateObject var viewModel = ViewModel()
    var body : some View {
        VStack(spacing: 20) {
            Text("Value 1: \(viewModel.model.value1)")
            Text("Value 2: \(viewModel.model.value2)")
            Text("Value 3: \(viewModel.model.value3)")
            Button ( "Delete", role: .destructive, action: viewModel.reset )
            Button { viewModel.model.value1  = 1 } label: { Text("Increment value 1") }
            Button { viewModel.model.value2  = 1 } label: { Text("Increment value 2") }
            Button { viewModel.model.value3  = 1 } label: { Text("Increment value 3") }
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