i would like to execute this query 'select count(*) from Aircraft' on multiple database. We have 50 database and all of those have the same table. i'm using sql server 2019. I know there is a possibilty to loop this query so that's why i'm asking you.
I found some old reply but not recently.
I used this query but it didn't work
SELECT @Query = COALESCE(@Query ' UNION ALL ', '') 'select * from [' TABLE_CATALOG '].dbo.[Aircraft]'
FROM information_schema.tables
SET @Query = STUFF(@Query, CHARINDEX('UNION ALL', @Query), 10, '')
PRINT @Query
CodePudding user response:
You can achieve this by taking advantage of the undocumented stored procedure in SQL Server i.e. sp_MSforeachdb
SET @query =
'USE ?
IF DB_NAME() NOT IN (''master'', ''tempdb'', ''model'', ''msdb'')
SELECT COUNT(*) AS Count FROM ?.dbo.fin_MemberAccount'
EXEC sp_MSforeachdb @command1 = @query
-- ? : this means the current db while iterating through db by stored procedure
CodePudding user response:
If all target databases are located in one instance, this can be done using the string_agg function in the following way:
Declare @schema_name sysname = N'dbo'
Declare @table_name sysname = N'Aircraft'
Declare @max nVarChar(max) = ''
Declare @QueryText nVarChar(max)
Select @QueryText = String_Agg(Concat(@max, N'Select * From ',
QuoteName([name]), N'.',
QuoteName(@table_name), Char(10)),
Concat(N'UNION ALL',Char(10)))
From master.dbo.sysdatabases
Where OBJECT_ID(Concat(QuoteName([name]),'.',
QuoteName(@table_name))) Is Not Null
Print @QueryText
Exec sp_executesql @QueryText