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How to merge multiple documents in MongoDB and convert fields' values into fields


I have a MongoDB collection that I have managed to process using an aggregation pipeline to produce the following result:

    _id: 'Complex Numbers', 
    count: 2 
  { _id: 'Calculus', 
    count: 1 

But the result that I am aiming for is something like the following:

  'Complex Numbers': 2,
  'Calculus': 1

is there a way to achieve that?

CodePudding user response:


  • to convert to {} we need somethings like [[k1 v1] ...] OR [{"k" "..." :v "..."}]
  • first stage
    • converts each document to [{"k" ".." , "v" ".."}]
    • then arrayToObject
    • and replace root
  • so we have each document like "Complex Numbers": 2
  • the group is used to combine all those documents in 1 document
  • and then replace the root with that one document

Test code here

    {"newRoot": {"$arrayToObject": [[{"k": "$_id", "v": "$count"}]]}}},
  {"$group": {"_id": null, "data": {"$mergeObjects": "$$ROOT"}}},
  {"$replaceRoot": {"newRoot": "$data"}}])
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