Is there any way in typescript to specify that this function will return an object and object values will be a lower case?
This is what I have for now:
const lowercaseObjValues = <T extends Record<keyof T, string>>(
obj: T
) => {
return Object.keys(obj).reduce((acc: T, key: string) => {
acc[key] = obj[key].toLowerCase();
return acc;
}, {} as T);
CodePudding user response:
This sort of function will only really be helpful if the string values are statically known.
// helper function to add types to Object.entries
const entries = Object.entries as <T>(obj: T) => [keyof T, T[keyof T]][];
type LowercaseValues<T extends Record<string, string>> = { [K in keyof T]: Lowercase<T[K]> };
const lowercaseValues = <T extends Record<string, string>>(obj: T): LowercaseValues<T> =>
entries(obj).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => {
// i'm sure this explicit `any` can be removed but it can be left as an
// exercise for the reader
acc[key] = value.toLowerCase() as any;
return acc;
}, {} as LowercaseValues<T>);
const test = { a: 'UPPER' } as const;
const out = lowercaseValues(test);
declare const assert: <T>(a: T) => void;