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Get divisors of a number whose ratio is a prime number


I need to get all divisors of any number (up to 10e9) whose ratio is a prime number.

Consider all divisors of some integer n. Choose some of these divisors, then arrange them in a circle so that the ratio of any two adjacent numbers is a prime number. Find the maximum number of divisors of n you can choose, and find the appropriate arrangement.

For example:

input: 10
output: 1 2 10 5

2 = 1 * 2; 10 = 2 * 5; 5 = 1 * 5

Also an output array must be a cycle (circle). Therefore ratio of first and last numbers must be a prime number.

I tried to find all divisors of given number and generate all possible permutations of them and check each permutation:

from itertools import permutations

n = int(input())
d = list(filter(lambda x: not n % x, range(1, n   1)))
for i in range(1, len(d)):
    print(list(permutations(d, i)))
    # check the permutation

But it's a bad solution because it works very long. Can anyone suggest an algorithm to solve my problem more effective?

CodePudding user response:

You can solve this problem by converting it to finding the longest path in a graph (although that is NP-Hard and may not be much faster).

The graph would be formed of nodes corresponding to the factors and edges that link nodes with a prime ratio between factors.

You will first need a function that give you all the prime factors of a number (including repeating primes):

def primeFactors(N):
    d = 2
    while d*d<=N:
        while N%d==0:
            yield d
            N //= d
        d  = 1
    if N>1: yield N

You can then combine all these prime factors into a dictionary of factors where the value is a set of other factors that are at a prime ratio from each factor {factor:{factor with prime ratio}..} . This will be your graph.

def factorGraph(N):
    primes  = list(primeFactors(N))
    factors = {1:set(primes)}
    for p in primes:
        factors.update({p*f:set() for f in factors})
    for p in set(primes):
        for f in factors:
            if f%p==0:
    return factors

Then use a recursive function to find the longest circular path from a starting factor to a given target node (starting with the related nodes of the target node itself). The function must not use the same factor more than once so it pushes down a set of visited nodes (seen) to exclude them from the deeper search.

def longestCircle(graph,target,fromFactor=0,seen=set()):
    longest = []
    remaining = graph[fromFactor or target] - seen  # eligible next factors
    for factor in remaining:                        # Try each factor
        path = [factor]                             # form a path
        if factor != target:                        # must reach target
            path  = longestCircle(graph,target,factor,seen|{factor})
        if path[-1]==target and len(path)>=len(longest): 
            longest = path                          # keep longest path
            if len(path)==len(graph): return path   # all factors used
    return longest

Finally, the longest circular path of factors will be the one with the most elements.

def factorCircle(N):
    graph = factorGraph(N)
    return max((longestCircle(graph,first) for first in graph),key=len)

Note that this is checking from every possible starting factor in case a longer path skips one of the factors but it is likely that that 1 is always in the cycle so that may be overkill Returning longestCircle(graph,1) is probably enough but I don't have time to prove that it is (or is not).


print(factorCircle(10))  # [5, 10, 2, 1]               # 4 of 4 factors
print(factorCircle(30))  # [5, 15, 30, 10, 2, 6, 3, 1] # 8 of 8
print(factorCircle(512)) # [2, 1]                      # 2 of 10
# [5, 15, 30, 6, 66, 22, 110, 220, 44, 4, 2, 10, 20, 60, 12,
   132, 660, 330, 165, 55, 11, 33, 3, 1]               # 24 of 24
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