i have a df which i'm able to get laptime difference between the lowest laptime substract
and the remaining laptime within the groupby with
df['diff'] = df['lap_time'] - df.groupby('lap_ref')['lap_time '].transform('min')
original df
╔═════════╦═════════╦══════════╦══════╗ ║ lap_ref ║ swimmer ║ lap_time ║ diff ║ ╠═════════╬═════════╬══════════╬══════╣ ║ 151 ║ steve ║ 82.64 ║ 0 ║ ║ 151 ║ timoy ║ 82.77 ║ 0.13 ║ ║ 151 ║ audi ║ 82.83 ║ 0.19 ║ ║ 151 ║ gimmi ║ 82.98 ║ 0.34 ║ ║ 151 ║ pete ║ 83.08 ║ 0.44 ║ ║ 151 ║ manson ║ 83.24 ║ 0.6 ║ ║ 151 ║ fuller ║ 83.4 ║ 0.76 ║ ║ 151 ║ ron ║ 83.56 ║ 0.92 ║ ║ 151 ║ limin ║ 83.62 ║ 0.98 ║ ║ 151 ║ octank ║ 83.92 ║ 1.28 ║ ║ 151 ║ frank ║ 83.94 ║ 1.3 ║ ║ 151 ║ mose ║ 84.15 ║ 1.51 ║ ║ 151 ║ preta ║ 84.2 ║ 1.56 ║ ║ 151 ║ landra ║ 92.2 ║ 9.56 ║ ╚═════════╩═════════╩══════════╩══════╝
i need to fill the value 0 with the lowest - second lowest value within the group. however, i can't find a solution.
result trying to get
╔═════════╦═════════╦══════════╦══════╗ ║ lap_ref ║ swimmer ║ lap_time ║ diff ║ ╠═════════╬═════════╬══════════╬══════╣ ║ 151 ║ steve ║ 82.64 ║-0.13 ║ ║ 151 ║ timoy ║ 82.77 ║ 0.13 ║ ║ 151 ║ audi ║ 82.83 ║ 0.19 ║ ║ 151 ║ gimmi ║ 82.98 ║ 0.34 ║ ║ 151 ║ pete ║ 83.08 ║ 0.44 ║ ║ 151 ║ manson ║ 83.24 ║ 0.6 ║ ║ 151 ║ fuller ║ 83.4 ║ 0.76 ║ ║ 151 ║ ron ║ 83.56 ║ 0.92 ║ ║ 151 ║ limin ║ 83.62 ║ 0.98 ║ ║ 151 ║ octank ║ 83.92 ║ 1.28 ║ ║ 151 ║ frank ║ 83.94 ║ 1.3 ║ ║ 151 ║ mose ║ 84.15 ║ 1.51 ║ ║ 151 ║ preta ║ 84.2 ║ 1.56 ║ ║ 151 ║ landra ║ 92.2 ║ 9.56 ║ ╚═════════╩═════════╩══════════╩══════╝
data = {'lap_ref':[151,151,151,151,151,151,151,151,151,151,151,151,151,151],
kindly advise. thank you
CodePudding user response:
We can do with pd.Series.nsmallest
then map the value back
s = df.groupby('lap_ref ')['lap_time'].apply(pd.Series.nsmallest,n=2).groupby(level=0).agg(np.ptp).reindex(df['lap_ref ']).values
df['new'] = np.where(df['diff'].eq(0),-s,df['diff'])
CodePudding user response:
You can use nsmallest
method. First find the 2 smallest values using .nsmallest
method and find the difference between the two using .diff
method. This produces the difference between the second smallest and the smallest for each lap_ref
. Since we want the difference between the second smallest and the smallest, we take the max
(since the other value is NaN
). Then convert this to a dictionary and using the dictionary, map
it to df['lap_ref']
and using np.where
, assign this value to diff
where df['diff']==0
g = df.groupby('lap_ref')['lap_time']
df['diff'] = df['lap_time'] - g.transform('min')
mapper = g.nsmallest(2).diff().droplevel(1).groupby('lap_ref').max().to_dict()
df['diff'] = np.where(df['diff']==0, -df['lap_ref'].map(mapper), df['diff'])
lap_ref swimmer lap_time diff
0 151 steve 82.64 -0.13
1 151 timoy 82.77 0.13
2 151 audi 82.83 0.19
3 151 gimmi 82.98 0.34
4 151 pete 83.08 0.44
5 151 manson 83.24 0.60
6 151 fuller 83.40 0.76
7 151 ron 83.56 0.92
8 151 limin 83.62 0.98
9 151 octank 83.92 1.28
10 151 frank 83.94 1.30
11 151 mose 84.15 1.51
12 151 preta 84.20 1.56
13 151 landra 92.20 9.56
CodePudding user response:
df['diff'] = df['lap_time'].diff().cumsum().fillna(-df['lap_time'].diff()[1])
>>> df
0 -0.13
1 0.13
2 0.19
3 0.34
4 0.44
5 0.60
6 0.76
7 0.92
8 0.98
9 1.28
10 1.30
11 1.51
12 1.56
13 9.56
Name: lap_time, dtype: float64
CodePudding user response:
Assuming the data is already sorted in descending order (as is currently in the shared data):
grp = df.groupby('lap_ref').lap_time
difference = grp.nth(0) - grp.nth(1)
(df.assign(lap_time = df.lap_time.sub(grp.transform('min')),
diff = lambda df: np.where(df.lap_time.eq(0),
lap_ref swimmer lap_time diff
0 151 steve 0.00 -0.13
1 151 timoy 0.13 0.13
2 151 audi 0.19 0.19
3 151 gimmi 0.34 0.34
4 151 pete 0.44 0.44
5 151 manson 0.60 0.60
6 151 fuller 0.76 0.76
7 151 ron 0.92 0.92
8 151 limin 0.98 0.98
9 151 octank 1.28 1.28
10 151 frank 1.30 1.30
11 151 mose 1.51 1.51
12 151 preta 1.56 1.56
13 151 landra 9.56 9.56