Home > Enterprise >  How to store ASCII Art into a variable in a batch file?
How to store ASCII Art into a variable in a batch file?


So I'm trying to create a simple ROCK-PAPER-SCISSORS game wherein I want to display ASCII artwork for the individual elements. It would be great if I could store them into variables in some way for the further logic to follow up & use those variables.

               ........           .........
                 ..................       ..
                   ................       ..
                     .........   ....  ....
                      ..     ....
                      ..        ...
                       ...         ...
                       ...         ..

This is the piece of art & when I try to store it into a variable like:

set /p scissors = " the above art "

I get errors.

Does someone know how to resolve this?

CodePudding user response:

Another of may ways to approach the goal is to use findstr to read data embedded in your file. The findstr command may be assigned to a variable allowing it to be used repeatedly for different elements:

@echo off

Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

 Mode 1000
 Set "Scissors="
 Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
 Set "RPS=For /f "tokens=2 Delims=RPS123" %%G in ('%SystemRoot%\System32\Findstr.exe /bl ":RPS#" "%~f0"')Do Echo(%%G"
 Choice /C:RPS

:RPS1                .. ... .. .. . 
:RPS1            . ... ... .. . .. .
:RPS1          . .. .  ... ... ......
:RPS1         .........   ..... ......
:RPS1        . ......   ..... ........ .
:RPS1         .........   ..... ......
:RPS1        .. ..  ................ .        
:RPS1          .. .....  .. .. .......
:RPS1            . . . ... . .. ... .
:RPS1             . ... .. . . . .
:RPS1              ...   ...   ..

:RPS2      . 
:RPS2     .  .
:RPS2    .     .
:RPS2   .        .
:RPS2  .           .
:RPS2 .              .
:RPS2.                 .
:RPS2  .                 .
:RPS2    .                 . 
:RPS2      .              .
:RPS2        .           .
:RPS2          .        .
:RPS2            .     .
:RPS2              .  .
:RPS2                .

:RPS3  ....
:RPS3   .....
:RPS3     .......
:RPS3      ........
:RPS3         ........
:RPS3            ........
:RPS3               ........           .........
:RPS3                 ..................       ..
:RPS3                   ................       ..
:RPS3                     .........   ....  ....
:RPS3                      ..     ....
:RPS3                      ..        ...
:RPS3                       ...         ...
:RPS3                       ...         ..
:RPS3                          ...........

CodePudding user response:

Just putting an option out there, if you are running Windows 10, which supports VT100 escape codes, you can do something like:

@echo off
for /F %%i in ('echo prompt $E ^| cmd') do set "n=%%iE"
set "scissors=%n%   ....%n%   .....%n%     .......%n%      ........%n%         ........%n%            ........%n%               ........           .........%n%                 ..................       ..%n%                   ................       ..%n%                     .........   ....  ....%n%                      ..     ....%n%                      ..        ...%n%                       ...         ...%n%                       ...         ..%n%                          ..........."
echo %scissors%

CodePudding user response:

You could define your variable like this:

@Echo Off
SetLocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion

Set Scissors=^







               ........           .........^

                 ..................       ..^

                   ................       ..^

                     .........   ....  ....^

                      ..     ....^

                      ..        ...^

                       ...         ...^

                       ...         ..^


Then to use it you could enable delayed expansion.

SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion

Then later, revert to the previous delayed expansion state:


If you did not want to enable delayed expansion, it would take a little more work to output your image:

For /F "Tokens=1,* Delims==" %%G In ('"(Set Scissors) 2>NUL"') Do Echo(%%G

CodePudding user response:

Another way:

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

REM Define variables:

(for %%a in (
"      .. ... .. .. ."
"    . ... ... .. . .. ."
"  . .. .  ... ... ......"
" .........   ..... ......"
". ......   ..... ........ ."
" .........   ..... ......"
".. ..  ................ ."
"  .. .....  .. .. ......."
"    . . . ... . .. ... ."
"     . ... .. . . . ."
"      ...   ...   ..") do set "rock=!rock!$%%~a") & set "rock=!rock:~1!"

(for %%a in (
"      ."
"     .  ."
"    .     ."
"   .        ."
"  .           ."
" .              ."
".                 ."
"  .                 ."
"    .                 ."
"      .              ."
"        .           ."
"          .        ."
"            .     ."
"              .  ."
"                .") do set "paper=!paper!$%%~a") & set "paper=!paper:~1!"

(for %%a in (
" ....."
"   ......."
"    ........"
"       ........"
"          ........"
"             ........           ........."
"               ..................       .."
"                 ................       .."
"                   .........   ....  ...."
"                    ..     ...."
"                    ..        ..."
"                     ...         ..."
"                     ...         .."
"                        ...........") do set "scissors=!scissors!$%%~a") & set "scissors=!scissors:~1!"

REM Display variables:


echo rock: & echo/& echo %rock:$=& echo %& echo/& echo/

echo paper: & echo/& echo %paper:$=& echo %& echo/& echo/

echo scissors: & echo/& echo %scissors:$=& echo %& echo/& echo/
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