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OpenWeather API Get Current Temp. with Discord.py


I am trying to get the current temperature for my city using the OpenWeather API and D.PY.

Currently my API request returns:

    "lat": ***,
    "lon": ***,
    "timezone": "America/New_York",
    "timezone_offset": -18000,
    "current": {
        "dt": 1639881036,
        "sunrise": 1639831807,
        "sunset": 1639866054,
        "temp": 39.4, ####WANT THIS####
        "feels_like": 31.44,
        "pressure": 1020,
        "humidity": 88,
        "dew_point": 36.14,
        "uvi": 0,
        "clouds": 90,
        "visibility": 10000,
        "wind_speed": 13.8,
        "wind_deg": 350,
        "wind_gust": 21.85,
        "weather": [
                "id": 804,
                "main": "Clouds",
                "description": "overcast clouds",
                "icon": "04n"

I am trying to make a command that returns the temperature that the API returns. Since the API returns in JSON format, I am using string indices to return the current temp. But, I am having trouble of what numbers I have to use to return it correctly.

My current code:

    async def weather(self, ctx):
            req = requests.get('https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/onecall?lat=****&lon=****&exclude=minutely,hourly,daily&units=imperial&appid=****')
            weather = req.text
            for element in weather[5]:
                if element[3] == True:
                    await ctx.send('there')
                    await ctx.send('not there')
        except Exception as e:
            await ctx.send(e)

So basically I want to find the current and return the temp if that makes sense. Right now I only get it to send there or no there. What string indices do I need to use in order to return what I want? Thanks in advanced!

CodePudding user response:

When the payload from the API response is received in JSON, you need to convert it into a Python readable data format, in this case it would be a Dictionary.

To do so, you can use json.loads() on your response.

import json # Don't forget to import the json module!

req = requests.get('https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/onecall?lat=****&lon=****&exclude=minutely,hourly,daily&units=imperial&appid=****')
weather = req.text
weather = json.loads(weather) # Converts to Python Dict.

From there, you can simply access the temperature under the key 'current' and 'temp' as such:

currentTemp = weather["current"]["temp"]

Full Code: (Remember to import json!)

    async def weather(self, ctx):
            req = requests.get('https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/onecall?lat=****&lon=****&exclude=minutely,hourly,daily&units=imperial&appid=****')
            weather = json.loads(req.text)
            currentTemp = weather["current"]["temp"] # Gets the current temperature.
        except Exception as e:
            await ctx.send(e)

As always, remember to validate the JSON response from the API to make sure there is a temp in the current index, in cases where the lattitude-longitude provided are invalid, or there is no available temperature to report may throw an error because the index won't exist.

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