Home > Enterprise >  How do i get dropdown's selected JSON category ID in swift
How do i get dropdown's selected JSON category ID in swift


JASON response like this: I am showing services in dropdown...now i need selected category_id

 "result": {
     "data": [
             "id": 167,
             "service_name": "Seo",
             "category_id": 1,
             "id": 166,
             "service_name": "Development",
             "category_id": 11,
             "id": 164,
             "service_name": "ghah",
             "category_id": 9,

EDIT: swift class model for JSON response AutoSearchResultModel

public class AutoSearchResultModel {
public var result : AutoSearchResult?
public class AutoSearchResult {
public var data : Array<SearchData>?
public class SearchData {
public var id : Int?
public var service_name : String?
public var category_id : Int?


Code: I am able to show result in dropdown and selected service name in textfield but i need selected category_id how ? if i give like this in for loop selectedCategoryId = totData.category_id all the time i am getting 11.. why? how do i get selected id

 var selectedCategoryId: String? = ""
 private var autosearchResult = AutoSearchResultModel(dictionary: NSDictionary())

 func autoSearchService(){
 APIReqeustManager.sharedInstance.serviceCall(param: parameters as [String : Any], method: .post, url: CommonUrl.auto_search) { [weak self] (resp) in

     self?.autosearchResult = AutoSearchResultModel(dictionary: resp.dict as NSDictionary? ?? NSDictionary())


 @objc func textFieldDidChange(_ textField:UITextField) {
 var testArray = [String]()
 var originalDataArray:[String] = Array()

         for totData in autosearchResult?.result?.data ?? []{
            selectedCategoryId = totData.category_id// all the time i am getting only 11.. how do i get selected category_id

 if searchTF.text?.count != 0 {
     for totData in originalDataArray{

         if let wordToSearch = searchTF.text{
             let range = totData.lowercased().range(of: wordToSearch, options: .caseInsensitive, range: nil, locale: nil)
             if range != nil {

 showDropDown(with: testArray, from: textField) { [weak self] (item, index) in
     self?.searchTF.text = item


how do i get selected category_id please do guid me

CodePudding user response:

you have selectedCategoryId = totData.category_id inside the loop, so you will always get the last category_id of your autosearchResult?.result?.data. The question is, which category_id do you want to select?

Move selectedCategoryId outside the for loop, and pick the one you want using, for example something like:

if let result = autosearchResult?.result,
   let selectedCategoryId = result.data.first(where: {$0.category_id == x})


To use the textfield text for category_id, then use something like this:

if let result = autosearchResult?.result,
   let txt = textField.text,
   let catid = Int(txt),  // <-- convert to int
   let selectedCategoryId = result.data.first(where: {$0.category_id == catid})

Since I don't have all your code info, you will have to adjust the code accordingly.

CodePudding user response:

use this function to get selected category data.

func getCategoryData(data: [YourData], categoryID: Int) -> [YourModel] {
    // is you have converted your data into object 
    return data.filter({$0.category_id = categoryID})
    // if you have Dictionary 
    return data.filter({$0["category_id"] = categoryID})


you can use this as

var filterData = getCategoryData(data:originalDataArray, categoryID:2)

-> Some Suggestions you can you Codable object to convert you API Response to Object directly.

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