I'm kinda new to Node.Js, I'm trying to make a chatbot with Spotify integration for my WhatsApp Group (I'm using wa-automate and spotify-web-api-node for this), I made a service layer for each command and a Spotify repository to search for albums, tracks, etc, but when I try to read albumList that getAlbumByName returns it is always Undefined even though it works just fine when I print it with console.log() in the SpotifyRepository, things I already tried:
- using function.then(), returning inside of it then returning the function itself with no success, something like return function.then({(result) => {return result})}
- not using await in this.spotifyApi.searchAlbums()
- using function.then() inside the service layer
- Trying to read the value outside the wa-automate client.sendText() function
- I checked and searchAlbums() returns a Promise that should return the response when awaited
I suspect that authenticating SpotifyWebApi inside a middleware or my entire thought process surrounding the layer organization might be the problem.
Here is my code:
const SpotifyRepository = require('../repositories/spotifyRepository.js');
module.exports = class command {
constructor() {
this.name = 'getAlbum';
this.aliases = ['getAlbum'];
this.description = '>getAlbum';
this.spotifyRepository = new SpotifyRepository();
async run(client, message, args) {
let albumName = args.split(' - ')[0];
let artistName = args.split(' - ')[1];
let albumList = await this.spotifyRepository.getAlbumByName(albumName, artistName);
client.sendText(message.from, albumList.items[0]);
var SpotifyWebApi = require('spotify-web-api-node');
class SpotifyRepository {
constructor() {
this.spotifyApi = new SpotifyWebApi({
clientId: '*************************',
clientSecret: '*************************'
const handler = {
get: function (obj, prop) {
return typeof obj[prop] !== "function"
? obj[prop]
: async function (...args) {
await obj.checkAuth(prop);
obj[prop].apply(obj, args);
return new Proxy(this, handler);
async checkAuth(){
let token = await this.spotifyApi.clientCredentialsGrant();
async getAlbumByName(albumName, artistName) {
return await this.spotifyApi.searchAlbums(albumName ' artist:' artistName);
module.exports = SpotifyRepository;
Thanks for the help! (and sorry if this is confusing to read, english is not my first language)
CodePudding user response:
async function (...args) {
await obj.checkAuth(prop);
obj[prop].apply(obj, args);
Inside the proxy, you're making it so anyone who tries to access a function gets this function instead. But this function doesn't have a return statement, so it is implicitly returning a promise that resolves to undefined
. You should add a return statement which forwards along whatever the real function returns:
async function (...args) {
await obj.checkAuth(prop);
return obj[prop].apply(obj, args);