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Rock Paper Scissors Python While Loop


import random

print("=====Rock Paper Scissors: The Python Game=====")

name = input("Player please enter you name:\n")

myItem = input("Enter Either Rock Paper or Scissors:\n")

if myItem != "Rock" or myItem != "Paper" or myItem != "Scissors":
    print("Are you Ok!! I said enter rock paper or scissors")

#Computer's Choices
computerItem = random.randint(1,3)
if computerItem == 1:
    computerItem = "Rock"
    print(f"Computer chooses {computerItem}...")
if computerItem == 2:
    computerItem = "Paper"
    print(f"Computer chooses {computerItem}...")
if computerItem == 3:
    computerItem = "Scissors"
    print(f"Computer chooses {computerItem}...")

if myItem == computerItem:
    print("Try Again!! You and the CPU picked the same thing")

#How I can loose to the CPU
if myItem == "Rock" and computerItem == "Paper":
    print("[Paper covers Rock]")
    print("CPU WINS!!!")
if myItem == "Paper" and computerItem == "Rock":
    print("[Paper covers Rock]")
    print(f"{name} WINS!!!")

if myItem == "Scissors" and computerItem == "Rock":
    print("[Rock Smashes Scissors]")
    print("CPU WINS!!!")
if myItem == "Rock" and computerItem == "Scissors":
    print("[Rock smashes Scissors]")
    print(f"{name} WINS!!!")

if myItem == "Paper" and computerItem == "Scissors":
    print("[Scissors cut Paper]")
    print("CPU WINS!!!")
if myItem == "Scissors" and computerItem == "Paper":
    print("[Scissors cut Paper]")
    print(f"{name} WINS!!!")

I have been trying to make this rock paper scissors game loop all day. But each time I put the code in a while loop it keeps giving errors.

So how do I loop through the game without any issues?

PS - I just started learning python

CodePudding user response:

I have tested your code and it works well, as for the looping, all I did was insert the whole program code into an infinite while loop while True, which is a loop that never stops until it's told to, then after each turn, I ask the user if he wants to play again or not, if he doesn't want to play again, the program breaks out of the infinite while loop and exits.

Find the code below:

import random

while True:
    print("=====Rock Paper Scissors: The Python Game=====")

    name = input("Player please enter you name:\n")

    myItem = input("Enter Either Rock Paper or Scissors:\n")

    if myItem != "Rock" or myItem != "Paper" or myItem != "Scissors":
        print("Are you Ok!! I said enter rock paper or scissors")

    #Computer's Choices
    computerItem = random.randint(1,3)
    if computerItem == 1:
        computerItem = "Rock"
        print(f"Computer chooses {computerItem}...")
    if computerItem == 2:
        computerItem = "Paper"
        print(f"Computer chooses {computerItem}...")
    if computerItem == 3:
        computerItem = "Scissors"
        print(f"Computer chooses {computerItem}...")

    if myItem == computerItem:
        print("Try Again!! You and the CPU picked the same thing")

    #How I can loose to the CPU
    if myItem == "Rock" and computerItem == "Paper":
        print("[Paper covers Rock]")
        print("CPU WINS!!!")
    if myItem == "Paper" and computerItem == "Rock":
        print("[Paper covers Rock]")
        print(f"{name} WINS!!!")

    if myItem == "Scissors" and computerItem == "Rock":
        print("[Rock Smashes Scissors]")
        print("CPU WINS!!!")
    if myItem == "Rock" and computerItem == "Scissors":
        print("[Rock smashes Scissors]")
        print(f"{name} WINS!!!")

    if myItem == "Paper" and computerItem == "Scissors":
        print("[Scissors cut Paper]")
        print("CPU WINS!!!")
    if myItem == "Scissors" and computerItem == "Paper":
        print("[Scissors cut Paper]")
        print(f"{name} WINS!!!")
    exit = input("\nWould you like to play game? Y/N")
    if exit=="N":

If you have any more questions, I'd love to answer them, good luck!

CodePudding user response:

import random
sl = 0        #记录人赢了多少次
sb = 0        #记录机器人赢了多少次
pj  = 0        #记录平局多少次

with open(file='logs.txt',mode='a',encoding='utf-8') as f:
    while True:
            reboot_number= int(random.randint(1, 3))
            if  1 <= ren_number <= 3:
                if (ren_number - reboot_number == -1) or (ren_number - reboot_number == 2):
                    print("您出的是:{},电脑出的是:{},您胜利了".format(dict[ren_number],dict[reboot_number]))       #直接字典取值
                    sl =1     #用来统计赢的次数
                elif ren_number == reboot_number:
                    print("您出的是:{},电脑出的是:{},结果为平局".format(li[ren_number-1],li[reboot_number-1]))      #列表取值,得减去1
                    pj =1     #用来统计平局的次数
                    print("您出的是:{},电脑出的是:{},很遗憾您输了".format(li[ren_number-1],li[reboot_number-1]))     #列表取值,得减去1
                    sb =1     #用来统计输的次数
            elif ren_number == 4:
                print("游戏结束,赛况为:平局{}次,你赢了{}次,机器人赢了{}次".format(pj, sl, sb))
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