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when condition fails in ansible


I have a simple playbook that loads data to different instances based on the DEPLOY_TO environment variable that is entered from jenkins which has the value dev and test. By comparing the {{ lookup('env','DEPLOY_TO') }} variable with dev or test using when condition

- name: load loadBase files into target mysql dev
  shell: mysql -h {{ lookup('env','db_host_dev') }} -u {{ lookup('env','db_user_dev') }} --password={{ lookup('env','db_root_password_dev') }} {{ lookup('env','db_name') }} < /tmp/{{ item | basename }}
  with_items: "{{ data.loadBase }}"
  no_log: false
  when: "{{ lookup('env','DEPLOY_TO') }} == dev"
- name: load loadBase files into target mysql test
  shell: mysql -h {{ lookup('env','db_host_test') }} -u {{ lookup('env','db_user_test') }} --password={{ lookup('env','db_root_password_test') }} {{ lookup('env','db_name') }} < /tmp/{{ item | basename }}
  with_items: "{{ data.loadBase }}"
  no_log: false
  when: "{{ lookup('env','DEPLOY_TO') }} == test"

But when running the pipeline to DEPLOY_TO either dev or test, it fails with the following error

18:34:15  [WARNING]: conditional statements should not include jinja2 templating
18:34:15  delimiters such as {{ }} or {% %}. Found: {{ lookup('env','DEPLOY_TO') }} ==
18:34:15  dev
18:34:15  fatal: []: FAILED! => {
18:34:15      "msg": "The conditional check '{{ lookup('env','DEPLOY_TO') }} == dev' failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional ({{ lookup('env','DEPLOY_TO') }} == dev): 'dev' is undefined\n\nThe error appears to be in '/home/deploy/jenkins/workspace/infrastructure/deploy.yml': line 77, column 11, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n        - name: load loadBase files into target mysql dev\n          ^ here\n"

May I please know what am I doing wrong?

CodePudding user response:

You have two problems, both called out in the error messages. The first is:

conditional statements should not include jinja2 templating

The value of a when condition is already evaluated in an implicit template context; you don't need (and shouldn't add) {{...}} markers around (or anywhere inside) the expression. That gets you:

  when: "lookup('env','DEPLOY_TO') == dev"

That gets you to the second error:

The error was: error while evaluating conditional ({{ lookup('env','DEPLOY_TO') }} == dev): 'dev' is undefined

You're comparing the result of the lookup to a variable named dev. If you meant to compare it to a literal string, you need to quote it (just like in the arguments to lookup):

  when: "lookup('env','DEPLOY_TO') == 'dev'"
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