I want to generate a WITH clause/UNIONs — for the purpose of easily sharing small samples of data (10-20 rows).
I want to do that without creating tables or inserting rows.
Take a table or query like this:
...and generate this:
with cte as(
select 10 as asset_id, 1 as vertex_num, 118.56 as x, 3.8 as y from dual
union all
select 10 as asset_id, 2 as vertex_num, 118.62 as x, 1.03 as y from dual
union all
select 10 as asset_id, 3 as vertex_num, 121.93 as x, 1.03 as y from dual)
--There are lots more rows. But it's too much work to write them all out.
select * from cte
Using SQL, how can I automatically generate a WITH clause/UNIONs from the resultset?
- I believe there is OOTB export functionality in Toad that can do that. But I don't think there are any tools in SQL Developer that can do it, which is what I'm using.
- When attempting this with SQL, I think the main challenge is to loop through n columns. I'm not sure how to do that.
CodePudding user response:
It would be easier to use xmltable
or (json_table
for Oracle 12 ) for such purposes.
Example with xmltable
- Just aggregate all the required data into
: you can usexmltype(cursor(select...from...))
select xmltype(cursor(select * from test)) xml from dual;
or dbms_xmlgen.getxmltype(query_string)
select dbms_xmlgen.getxmltype('select * from test') xml from dual;
- then you can use the returned XML with
xmltable('/ROWSET/ROW' passing xmltype(your_xml) columns ...)
select *
from xmltable(
passing xmltype(q'[<?xml version="1.0"?>
) test
Full example on DBFiddle: https://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms=oracle_11.2&fiddle=036b718f2b18df898c3e3de722c97378
CodePudding user response:
You could use dbms_sql
to execute a query against your real table, interrogate the data types, and use that information to generate the CTE and its inner queries.
As a first stab:
create or replace procedure print_cte (p_statement varchar2) as
-- dbms_sql variables
l_c pls_integer;
l_col_cnt pls_integer;
l_rows pls_integer;
l_desc_t dbms_sql.desc_tab;
l_first_row boolean := true;
l_varchar2 varchar2(4000);
l_number number;
l_date date;
-- etc.
-- ideally add some checks for p_statement being a sinple query
l_c := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
dbms_sql.parse(c => l_c, statement => p_statement, language_flag => dbms_sql.native);
l_rows := dbms_sql.execute(c => l_c);
dbms_sql.describe_columns(c => l_c, col_cnt => l_col_cnt, desc_t => l_desc_t);
-- define columns, and output CTE columns at the same time
dbms_output.put('with cte (');
for i in 1..l_col_cnt loop
case l_desc_t(i).col_type
when 1 then
dbms_sql.define_column(c => l_c, position=> i, column => l_varchar2, column_size => 4000);
when 2 then
dbms_sql.define_column(c => l_c, position=> i, column => l_number);
when 12 then
dbms_sql.define_column(c => l_c, position=> i, column => l_date);
-- etc. plus else to skip or throw error for anything not handled
end case;
if i > 1 then
dbms_output.put(', ');
end if;
dbms_output.put('"' || l_desc_t(i).col_name || '"');
end loop;
dbms_output.put(') as (');
while dbms_sql.fetch_rows(c => l_c) > 0 loop
if (l_first_row) then
l_first_row := false;
dbms_output.put(' union all');
end if;
for i in 1..l_col_cnt loop
if i = 1 then
dbms_output.put(' select ');
dbms_output.put(', ');
end if;
case l_desc_t(i).col_type
when 1 then
dbms_sql.column_value(c => l_c, position => i, value => l_varchar2);
dbms_output.put(q'[']' || l_varchar2 || q'[']');
when 2 then
dbms_sql.column_value(c => l_c, position => i, value => l_number);
when 12 then
dbms_sql.column_value(c => l_c, position => i, value => l_date);
|| to_char(l_date, 'SYYYY-MM-DD-HH24:MI:SS')
|| q'[', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')]');
-- etc. plus else to skip or throw error for anything not handled
end case;
end loop;
dbms_output.put(' from dual');
end loop;
dbms_output.put_line('select * from cte;');
dbms_sql.close_cursor(c => l_c);
end print_cte;
and then you can do:
print_cte('select * from your_table');
which produces:
with cte ("ASSET_ID", "VERTEX_NUM", "X", "Y") as (
select 10, 1, 118.56, 3.8 from dual
union all
select 10, 2, 118.62, 1.03 from dual
union all
select 10, 3, 121.93, 1.03 from dual
select * from cte;
Your client has to be configured to handle dbms_output, of course.
As noted in the inline comments you should check the passed-in statement isn't going to do something nasty; and you need to add handling for other data types. This is just a starting point.