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.NET Blazor and client-side debugging?


Is Blazor client-side debugging possible or what is that experience like?

Blazor is new to me. I've used Razor / MVC significantly in the past but moved on to other technologies. Checking it out now, Blazor is definitely an improvement and seems to replace Javascript with dot NET. One of the things mentioned is it can run on the browser. My question then is: how is the client-side debugging experience in Dev Chrome Tools?

One of the Blazor videos in checking out:

Chrome Developer Tools with Blazor app running

The code running the browser is WebAssembly, compiled from C# or other .NET language. WebAssembly is binary, so you're not going to be able to debug that in your browser. Instead, you'd want to debug the .NET language in an IDE (Visual Studio, VS Code, etc.).

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