I have the
rs = np.random.RandomState(0)
x = 50 * rs.rand(20) 50
y = 200 * rs.rand(20)
plt.plot(x, y, 'o')
# save ax and fig scales
xmin, xmax = plt.xlim()
ymin, ymax = plt.ylim()
xfig, yfig = plt.gcf().get_size_inches()
k, n, r, _, _ = scipy.stats.linregress(x, y)
plt.axline((0, n), slope=k, color='blue')
# restore x and y limits after axline
plt.xlim(xmin, xmax)
plt.ylim(ymin, ymax)
# find text coordinates at midpoint of regression line
xtext = (xmin xmax) // 2
ytext = k*xtext n
# find run and rise of (xtext, ytext) vs (0, n)
dx = xtext
dy = ytext - n
# normalize to ax and fig scales
xnorm = dx * xfig / (xmax - xmin)
ynorm = dy * yfig / (ymax - ymin)
# find normalized annotation angle in radians
rotation = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(ynorm, xnorm))
(xtext, ytext), xycoords='data',
ha='center', va='bottom',
rotation=rotation, rotation_mode='anchor',