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How split columns based on another column postion in orcale sql


I have a data set as below

Table name : Data_table_1

Customer_ID Cus_activity Cus_Amount
12985 CURAC 201
20917 PINT$@CURAC$@CINT$@CURCM 567$@291$@358$@434
548357 CINT$@CURCM$@CURAC 300$@934$@450
80315 CURCM$@PINT$@CURAC$@CINT 809$@345$@420$@567
234561 CURAC$@CURCM$@PINT$@CINT 500$@359$@200$@400

Output I need is as below

Customer_ID Cus_activity Cus_Amount CURAC_amount
12985 CURAC 201 201
20917 PINT$@CURAC$@CINT$@CURCM 567$@291$@358$@434 291
548357 CINT$@CURCM$@CURAC 300$@934$@450 450
80315 CURCM$@PINT$@CURAC$@CINT 809$@345$@420$@567 420
234561 CURAC$@CURCM$@PINT$@CINT 500$@359$@200$@400 500

The amount related to cus_activity capture in the Cus_Amount column
I need to get only the "CURAC" amount to a separate column

I tried as below but its incorrect

SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR(Cus_activity ,'[^CURAC]*$')              

How to get it once from a large data set only the "CURAC" amount to a separate column?

CodePudding user response:

Here's one option; basically, you'd split cus_activity and cus_amount to rows and then return only values that belong to CURAC.

SQL> with
  2  temp as
  3    (select
  4       customer_id, cus_activity, cus_amount,
  5       --
  6       rtrim(regexp_substr(cus_activity, '[^@] ', 1, column_value), '$') act,
  7       rtrim(regexp_substr(cus_amount, '[^@] ', 1, column_value), '$') amt
  8     from test cross join
  9       table(cast(multiset(select level from dual
 10                           connect by level <= regexp_count(cus_activity, '@')  1
 11                          ) as sys.odcinumberlist))
 12    )
 13  select
 14    customer_id, cus_activity, cus_amount,
 15    max(case when act = 'CURAC' then amt end) curac_amount
 16  from temp
 17  group by customer_id, cus_activity, cus_amount
 18  order by customer_id;

----------- ------------------------ ------------------ ------------------
      12985 CURAC                    201                201
      20917 PINT$@CURAC$@CINT$@CURCM 567$@291$@358$@434 291
      80315 CURCM$@PINT$@CURAC$@CINT 809$@345$@420$@567 420
     234561 CURAC$@CURCM$@PINT$@CINT 500$@359$@200$@400 500
     548357 CINT$@CURCM$@CURAC       300$@934$@450      450


CodePudding user response:

You do not need to split the rows (as that will be slow) and can find the position using simple string functions:

SELECT customer_id,
         INSTR(amt, '$@', 1, position)   2,
         INSTR(amt, '$@', 1, position   1) - INSTR(amt, '$@', 1, position) - 2
       ) AS curac_amount
FROM   (
  SELECT d.*,
         COALESCE((LENGTH(act) - LENGTH(REPLACE(act, '$@')))/2, 0)   1
           AS position
  FROM   (
    SELECT d.*,
             '$@' || cus_activity || '$@',
             INSTR('$@' || cus_activity || '$@', '$@CURAC$@') - 1
           ) AS act,
           WHEN INSTR('$@' || cus_activity || '$@', '$@CURAC$@') > 0
           THEN '$@' || cus_amount || '$@'
           END AS amt
    FROM   data_table_1 d
  ) d

If you did want to use a slower method of splitting the data into rows then, from Oracle 12, you can use:

FROM   data_table_1 d
         SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR(cus_amount || '$@', '(.*?)\$@', 1, LEVEL, NULL, 1)
                  AS curac_amount
         FROM   DUAL
         WHERE  REGEXP_SUBSTR(cus_activity || '$@', '(.*?)\$@', 1, LEVEL, NULL, 1)
                  = 'CURAC'
         CONNECT BY 
                LEVEL <= REGEXP_COUNT(cus_activity || '$@', '(.*?)\$@')
       ON (1 = 1)

Which, for the sample data:

CREATE TABLE data_table_1 (Customer_ID, Cus_activity, Cus_Amount) AS
SELECT 12985,  'CURAC',                      '201'                FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT 20917,  'PINT$@CURAC$@CINT$@CURCM',   '567$@291$@358$@434' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT 548357, 'CINT$@CURCM$@CURAC',         '300$@934$@450'      FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT 80315,  'CURCM$@PINT$@CURAC$@CINT',   '809$@345$@420$@567' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT 234561, 'CURAC$@CURCM$@PINT$@CINT',   '500$@359$@200$@400' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT 234562, 'NOCURAC$@CURCM$@PINT$@CINT', '500$@359$@200$@400' FROM DUAL;

Both output:

12985 CURAC 201 201
20917 PINT$@CURAC$@CINT$@CURCM 567$@291$@358$@434 291
548357 CINT$@CURCM$@CURAC 300$@934$@450 450
80315 CURCM$@PINT$@CURAC$@CINT 809$@345$@420$@567 420
234561 CURAC$@CURCM$@PINT$@CINT 500$@359$@200$@400 500
234562 NOCURAC$@CURCM$@PINT$@CINT 500$@359$@200$@400 null

db<>fiddle here

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