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Laravel 8, whereRelation take the where value condition from model


i'm using whereRelation but i do not know how to take the where value condition from the base model

I have tried this code:

Item::with('unit','stock')->whereRelation('stock', 'stock', '<', 'items.min_stock');

and query result in debugger :

select * from `items` where exists (select * from `stocks` where `items`.`id` = `stocks`.`id_item` and `stock` < 'items.min_stock')

The query result i wanted :

select * from `items` where exists (select * from `stocks` where `items`.`id` = `stocks`.`id_item` and `stock` < `items`.`min_stock`)

'items.min_stock' it become like a string, How can i solve this ?

CodePudding user response:

Try using whereRaw

Item::with('unit','stock')->whereRelation('stock', function (Builder $query) {
    $query->whereRaw('stock < items.min_stock')

CodePudding user response:

Otherize you can use whereHas method, example below:

 Item::with('unit', 'stock')->whereHas('stock', function ($query) {
            $query->where('stock', '<', DB::raw('items.min_stock'))

CodePudding user response:

I found solution for my code

i change my code like this and it's works

Item::with('unit','stock')->whereRelation('stock', 'stock', '<', DB::raw('items.min_stock'));

thanks to @Vildan Bina for the answer

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