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TSQL - dates overlapping - number of days


I have the following table on SQL Server:

1 2022.01.02 9999.12.31 1
1 2022.01.02 2022.02.10 2
2 2022.01.05 2022.02.15 1
3 2022.01.02 9999.12.31 1
3 2022.01.15 2022.02.20 2
3 2022.02.03 2022.02.25 3
4 2022.01.16 2022.02.05 1
5 2022.01.17 2022.02.13 1
5 2022.02.05 2022.02.13 2

The range includes the start date but excludes the end date. The date 9999.12.31 is given (comes from another system), but we could use the last day of the current quarter instead. I need to find a way to determine the number of days when the customer sees exactly one, two, or three offers. The following picture shows the method upon id 3:

enter image description here

The expected results should be like (without using the last day of the quarter):

ID # of days when the customer sees only 1 offer # of days when the customer sees 2 offers # of days when the customer sees 3 offers
1 2913863 39 0
2 41 0 0
3 2913861 24 17
4 20 0 0
5 19 8 0

I've found this article but it did not enlighten me. Also I have limited privileges that is I am not able to declare a variable for example so I need to use "basic" TSQL.

Please provide a detailed explanation besides the code.

Thanks in advance!

CodePudding user response:

Find all date points for each ID. For each date point, find the number of overlapping.

Refer to comments within query

dates as
    -- get all date points
    select ID, theDate = FromDate from offers
    union   -- union to exclude any duplicate
    select ID, theDate = ToDate from offers
cte as
    select ID         = d.ID, 
           Date_Start = d.theDate, 
           Date_End   = LEAD(d.theDate) OVER (PARTITION BY ID ORDER BY theDate), 
           TheCount   = c.cnt
    from   dates d
           cross apply
                -- Count no of overlapping
                select cnt         = count(*)
                from   offers x
                where  x.ID        = d.ID
                and    x.FromDate <= d.theDate
                and    x.ToDate   >  d.theDate
           ) c
select ID, TheCount, days = sum(datediff(day, Date_Start, Date_End))
from   cte
where  Date_End is not null
group by ID, TheCount
order by ID, TheCount

Result :

ID TheCount days
1 1 2913863
1 2 39
2 1 41
3 1 2913861
3 2 29
3 3 12
4 1 20
5 1 19
5 2 8

To get to the required format, use PIVOT

dbfiddle demo

CodePudding user response:

The following will (for each ID) extract all distinct dates, construct non-overlapping date ranges to test, and will count up the number of offers per range. The final step is to sum and format.

The fact that the start dates are inclusive and the end dates are exclusive while sometimes non-intuitive for the human, actually works well in algorithms like this.

    (1, '2022-01-02', '9999-12-31', 1),
    (1, '2022-01-02', '2022-02-10', 2),
    (2, '2022-01-05', '2022-02-15', 1),
    (3, '2022-01-02', '9999-12-31', 1),
    (3, '2022-01-15', '2022-02-20', 2),
    (3, '2022-02-03', '2022-02-25', 3),
    (4, '2022-01-16', '2022-02-05', 1),
    (5, '2022-01-17', '2022-02-13', 1),
    (5, '2022-02-05', '2022-02-13', 2)

WITH Dates AS ( -- Gather distinct dates
    SELECT Id, Date = FromDate FROM @Data
    UNION --(distinct)
    SELECT Id, Date = ToDate FROM @Data
Ranges AS ( --Construct non-overlapping ranges (The ToDate = NULL case will be ignored later)
    SELECT ID, FromDate = Date, ToDate = LEAD(Date) OVER(PARTITION BY Id ORDER BY Date)
    FROM Dates
Counts AS ( -- Calculate days and count offers per date range
    SELECT R.Id, R.FromDate,  R.ToDate,
        Days = DATEDIFF(DAY, R.FromDate, R.ToDate),
        Offers = COUNT(*)
    FROM Ranges R
    JOIN @Data D ON D.Id = R.Id
        AND D.FromDate <= R.FromDate
        AND D.ToDate >= R.ToDate
    GROUP BY R.Id, R.FromDate,  R.ToDate
    ,[Days with 1 Offer] = SUM(CASE WHEN Offers = 1 THEN Days ELSE 0 END)
    ,[Days with 2 Offers] = SUM(CASE WHEN Offers = 2 THEN Days ELSE 0 END)
    ,[Days with 3 Offers] = SUM(CASE WHEN Offers = 3 THEN Days ELSE 0 END)
FROM Counts

The WITH clause introduces Common Table Expressions (CTEs) which progressively build up intermediate results until a final select can be made.


Id Days with 1 Offer Days with 2 Offers Days with 3 Offers
1 2913863 39 0
2 41 0 0
3 2913861 24 17
4 20 0 0
5 19 8 0

Alternately, the final select could use a pivot. Something like:

    [Days with 1 Offer] = ISNULL([1], 0),
    [Days with 2 Offers] = ISNULL([2], 0),
    [Days with 3 Offers] = ISNULL([3], 0)
FROM (SELECT Id, Offers, Days FROM Counts) C
PIVOT (SUM(Days) FOR Offers IN ([1], [2], [3])) PVT

See This db<>fiddle for a working example.

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