Home > Enterprise >  Akka stream hangs when starting more than 15 external processes using ProcessBuilder
Akka stream hangs when starting more than 15 external processes using ProcessBuilder


I'm building an app that has the following flow:

  1. There is a source of items to process
  2. Each item should be processed by external command (it'll be ffmpeg in the end but for this simple reproducible use case it is just cat to have data be passed through it)
  3. In the end, the output of such external command is saved somewhere (again, for the sake of this example it just saves it to a local text file)

So I'm doing the following operations:

  1. Prepare a source with items
  2. Make an Akka graph that uses Broadcast to fan-out the source items into individual flows
  3. Individual flows uses ProcessBuilder in conjunction with Flow.fromSinkAndSource to build flow out of this external process execution
  4. End the individual flows with a sink that saves the data to a file.

Complete code example:

import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.stream.scaladsl.GraphDSL.Implicits._
import akka.stream.scaladsl._
import akka.stream.ClosedShape
import akka.util.ByteString

import java.io.{BufferedInputStream, BufferedOutputStream}
import java.nio.file.Paths
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContext, Future}

object MyApp extends App {

  // When this is changed to something above 15, the graph just stops
  val PROCESSES_COUNT = Integer.parseInt(args(0))

  println(s"Running with ${PROCESSES_COUNT} processes...")

  implicit val system                          = ActorSystem("MyApp")
  implicit val globalContext: ExecutionContext = ExecutionContext.global

  def executeCmdOnStream(cmd: String): Flow[ByteString, ByteString, _] = {
    val convertProcess = new ProcessBuilder(cmd).start
    val pipeIn         = new BufferedOutputStream(convertProcess.getOutputStream)
    val pipeOut        = new BufferedInputStream(convertProcess.getInputStream)
      .fromSinkAndSource(StreamConverters.fromOutputStream(() ⇒ pipeIn), StreamConverters.fromInputStream(() ⇒ pipeOut))

  val source = Source(1 to 100)
    .map(element => {
      println(s"--emit: ${element}")

  val sinksList = (1 to PROCESSES_COUNT).map(i => {

  val graph = GraphDSL.create(sinksList) { implicit builder => sinks =>

    val broadcast = builder.add(Broadcast[ByteString](sinks.size))
    source ~> broadcast.in
    for (i <- broadcast.outlets.indices) {
      broadcast.out(i) ~> sinks(i)

  Await.result(Future.sequence(RunnableGraph.fromGraph(graph).run()), Duration.Inf)


Run this using following command:



sbt "run 15"

This all works quite well until I raise the amount of "external processes" (PROCESSES_COUNT in the code). When it's 15 or less, all goes well but when it's 16 or more then the following things happen:

  1. Whole execution just hangs after emitting the first 16 items (this amount of 16 items is Akka's default buffer size AFAIK)
  2. I can see that cat processes are started in the system (all 16 of them)
  3. When I manually kill one of these cat processes in the system, something frees up and processing continues (of course in the result, one file is empty because I killed its processing command)

I checked that this is caused by the external execution for sure (not i.e. limit of Akka Broadcast itself).

I enter image description here

So changing that value to something bigger than the amount of streams fixed the issue:

akka.actor.default-blocking-io-dispatcher.thread-pool-executor.fixed-pool-size = 50

CodePudding user response:

It is an interesting problem and it looks like that the stream is dead-locking. The increase of threads may be fixing the symptom but not the underlying problem.

The problem is following code

    StreamConverters.fromOutputStream(() => pipeIn),
    StreamConverters.fromInputStream(() => pipeOut)

Both fromInputStream and fromOutputStream will be using the same default-blocking-io-dispatcher as you correctly noticed. The reason for using a dedicated thread pool is that both perform Java API calls that are blocking the running thread.

Here is a part of a thread stack trace of fromInputStream that shows where blocking is happening.

at java.io.FileInputStream.readBytes([email protected]/Native Method)
at java.io.FileInputStream.read([email protected]/FileInputStream.java:279)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read1([email protected]/BufferedInputStream.java:290)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read([email protected]/BufferedInputStream.java:351)
- locked <merged>(a java.lang.ProcessImpl$ProcessPipeInputStream)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read1([email protected]/BufferedInputStream.java:290)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read([email protected]/BufferedInputStream.java:351)
- locked <merged>(a java.io.BufferedInputStream)
at java.io.FilterInputStream.read([email protected]/FilterInputStream.java:107)
at akka.stream.impl.io.InputStreamSource$$anon$1.onPull(InputStreamSource.scala:63)

Now, you're running 16 simultaneous Sinks that are connected to a single Source. To support back-pressure, a Source will only produce an element when all Sinks send a pull command.

What happens next is that you have 16 calls to method FileInputStream.readBytes at the same time and they immediately block all threads of default-blocking-io-dispatcher. And there are no threads left for fromOutputStream to write any data from the Source or perform any kind of work. Thus, you have a dead-lock.

The problem can be fixed if you increase the threads in the pool. But this just removes the symptom.

The correct solution is to run fromOutputStream and fromInputStream in two separate thread pools. Here is how you can do it.

    StreamConverters.fromOutputStream(() => pipeIn).async("blocking-1"),
    StreamConverters.fromInputStream(() => pipeOut).async("blocking-2")

with following config

blocking-1 {
  type = "Dispatcher"
  executor = "thread-pool-executor"
  throughput = 1
  thread-pool-executor {
    fixed-pool-size = 2

blocking-2 {
  type = "Dispatcher"
  executor = "thread-pool-executor"
  throughput = 1
  thread-pool-executor {
    fixed-pool-size = 2

Because they don't share the pools anymore, both fromOutputStream and fromInputStream can perform their tasks independently.

Also note that I just assigned 2 threads per pool to show that it's not about the thread count but about the pool separation.

I hope this helps to understand akka streams better.

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