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Iterating through an array by returning a set of 6 elements in jQuery $.each loop


I am iterating through an array of 12 objects, every time I iterate through it by pressing the button under a class of .more, I have to return a block of 6 elements and I am confused as to how I can achieve this. This is my code so far:


  <div >
    <div >


      <button >See More</button>

export default {
  name: "Home",


import $ from 'jquery'

$(document).ready(function () {
    const objects = [
            "title": "Some Title",
            "img": "https://248006.selcdn.ru/main/iblock/791/791d4f7e1811fc18b008e31b047a54a6/3e03093c347a4555d92807d3256f0a7e.png",
            "description": "Some description",
            "link": "Some link"

            "title": "Some Title",
            "img": "https://248006.selcdn.ru/main/iblock/b4e/b4e9551322feee132949ffbd60f05397/aee8267040ae839cb0bf672ab5970bda.png",
            "description": "Some description",
            "link": "Some link"
            "title": "Some Title",
            "img": "https://248006.selcdn.ru/main/iblock/e99/e99743d644ded41e802a1741e832b4b4/77d8a8e4af7fab0a1f84d9a9c6cb48cf.png",
            "description": "Some description",
            "link": "Some link"
            "title": "Some Title",
            "img": "https://248006.selcdn.ru/main/iblock/d05/d05042d4e116ba8ad2c4f29bbb45fa00/69c29b1afc93a6c7423fed01a3ac6c63.jpg",
            "description": "Some description",
            "link": "Some link"
            "title": "Some Title",
            "img": "https://248006.selcdn.ru/main/iblock/252/25299d51a4b47cd7d2b8babeb0658a68/c45aa13e7282b1e9628ffea8ed9dfb20.png",
            "description": "Some description",
            "link": "Some link"
            "title": "Some Title",
            "img": "https://248006.selcdn.ru/main/iblock/3a5/3a5a20dc5c2df3fe6db3ccd499880eb3/61a581933fe2134ecec44e432d7c6f31.png",
            "description": "Some description",
            "link": "Some link"

            "title": "Another Title",
            "img": "https://248006.selcdn.ru/main/iblock/3a5/3a5a20dc5c2df3fe6db3ccd499880eb3/61a581933fe2134ecec44e432d7c6f31.png",
            "description": "Some description",
            "link": "Another link"

            "title": "New Title",
            "img": "https://248006.selcdn.ru/main/iblock/3a5/3a5a20dc5c2df3fe6db3ccd499880eb3/61a581933fe2134ecec44e432d7c6f31.png",
            "description": "Some description",
            "link": "Newer link"

            "title": "New Title",
            "img": "https://248006.selcdn.ru/main/iblock/218/218adba31af31ec25cfd345a94974fa1/e37024d8cbd416964bbe075ea53ecf8f.png",
            "description": "Some description",
            "link": "Newer link"

            "title": "Lorem",
            "img": "https://248006.selcdn.ru/main/iblock/3a5/3a5a20dc5c2df3fe6db3ccd499880eb3/61a581933fe2134ecec44e432d7c6f31.png",
            "description": "Some description",
            "link": "Newer link"

            "title": "Some title",
            "img": "https://248006.selcdn.ru/main/iblock/282/282214a04b2c627ecf552efdb71c38f7/c0dbdfdcf4c2901099855f157324f21d.png",
            "description": "Some description",
            "link": "Newer link"

            "title": "Some title",
            "img": "https://248006.selcdn.ru/main/iblock/a9c/a9c6702dcb9b98c0ae79f68d2801a09b/288c49908d4e0e1a97b528615bdc801a.png",
            "description": "Some description",
            "link": "New link"


    var i = 0;

    $('.more').on('click', function () {
        $.each(objects, function(index, value){

            $('.cards').append('<div >'   '<img src="">'   '<h4></h4>'   '<p></p>'   '<a href="#">'   '</a>'   '</div>');
            $('.cards .card-'   index   " h4").html('<h4>'   value.title   '</h4>');
            $('.cards .card-'   index   " a").html('<a>'   value.link   '</a>');

            $('.cards .card-'   index   " p").html('<p>'   value.description   '</p>');

            $('.cards .card-'   index   " img").attr("src", value.img);
            objects.slice(i, i   6);
    var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12];

    for (var z = 0; z < arr.length; z  = 4) {
    console.log("Working with: "   arr.slice(z, z   4));

I tried implementing a counter of i, but every time it returns the same objects without iterating through an array fully. It's kind of hard to explain, excuse my English.

CodePudding user response:

First of all do not use this idea on click.

$('.cards .card-'   index   " img").attr("src", value.img);

On each click the index start from zero so you get duplicate card-1 card-2 and so on (Mega buggy).

enter image description here

If you want to add unique index class for each card use extra variable (Not related to index of each function).

  let card_index = 1;

  $('.more').on('click', function () {
    $.each(objects.slice(start_at, cursor), function(index, value){
      $('.cards').append('<li >'   value.title   '</li>');

One solution

slice(start, end)

Use slice and on each click update the start and end points (Like "cursor" idea).

$(document).ready(function () {
  const objects = [
      "title": "object 1",
      "title": "object 2",
      "title": "object 3",
      "title": "object 4",
      "title": "object 5",
      "title": "object 6",
      "title": "object 7",
      "title": "object 8",
      "title": "object 9",
      "title": "object 10",
      "title": "object 11",
      "title": "object 12",
      "title": "object 13",
      "title": "object 14"
      "title": "object 15"

  let start_at = 0;
  let cursor = 2; /* how much items to load on each click */
  let steps_size = cursor;
  let card_index = 1;


  /* deafult cards */
  function load(){
    $.each(objects.slice(start_at, cursor), function(index, value){
      $('.cards').append('<li >'   value.title   '</li>');
    });/* end each */
    /* update cursors */
    start_at = start_at   steps_size;
    cursor = start_at   steps_size;

    /* if no more objects */
    if(start_at > objects.length){
      alert("list ends");
    console.log("start_at: "   start_at);
    console.log("cursor: "   cursor);  


  $('.more').on('click', function () {
    $.each(objects.slice(start_at, cursor), function(index, value){
      $('.cards').append('<li >'   value.title   '</li>');
    });/* end each */
    /* update cursors */
    start_at = start_at   steps_size;
    cursor = start_at   steps_size;

    /* if no more objects */
    if(start_at > objects.length){
      alert("list ends");
    console.log("start_at: "   start_at);
    console.log("cursor: "   cursor);  
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div >
  <ul >
  <button id="more" >Load <span id="steps_size"></span> more objects

CodePudding user response:

You can try this. I hope the code is self explanatory. Let me know in the comments for any query

var iteration = 1;
var itemsInIterations = 6;

    $('.more').on('click', function () {
        //Get the start index for this iteration  (It will be 0, 6, 12, 18....)    
        const startFromIndex = (iteration - 1) * itemsInIterations;
        //Get the end index for this iteration (It will be 6, 12, 18 ....)
        const endToIndex = iteration * itemsInIterations;
        //Get a slice of objects for this iteration
        const iterationObjects = objects.slice(startFromIndex, endToIndex);
        $.each(iterationObjects, function(index, value){

            $('.cards').append('<div >'   '<img src="">'   '<h4></h4>'   '<p></p>'   '<a href="#">'   '</a>'   '</div>');
            $('.cards .card-'   index   " h4").html('<h4>'   value.title   '</h4>');
            $('.cards .card-'   index   " a").html('<a>'   value.link   '</a>');

            $('.cards .card-'   index   " p").html('<p>'   value.description   '</p>');

            $('.cards .card-'   index   " img").attr("src", value.img);            
        //Increment the iteration by 1 for next iteration
        iteration  ;

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