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Need help creating lists


I need help for a project that requires creating lists upong a String. Let's say for example I have the next string

(defun sum(  1 2))

What I need to do is turn that string into an array, which I have already done using the the split method.

So now, I want to check the whole array in look for (. if the loop finds a ( it creates an array/list and appends the following elements. But if the loop finds a ) it stops adding elements to the last array/list created, but it continues to add in the other list. I want my program to do that until there is no more elements to add (or well, when the whole string was separated into lists). Right now this is what I have:

public ArrayList<String> SaveInLists(String command) {
        String delimiter = "(";
        ArrayList<String> list_global = new ArrayList<String>();
        String[] commandlist = command.split("");
        for(int i = 0;i<commandlist.length;i  ){
                //create new arraylist and add the next elements of commandlist to the array until it finds a ')'.
                //then it closes the arraylist, but keep adding the other elements next to ')'
        //then all the arrays created need to be added to the list_global
        return list_global;

CodePudding user response:

This how my proposed solution could look like. As far as I understand the resulting global list must be represented as the list of inner lists, not just an ArrayList<String>, because in this case we don't have any inner lists, just an array of strings. So, I thought the resulting global list must be of List<List<String>> data type. Below is the possible implementation:

public List<List<String>> saveInLists(String command) {
    if (command == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input command cannot be null!");

    List<List<String>> globalList = new ArrayList<>();
    String openingDelimiter = "(";
    String closingDelimiter = ")";
    String[] commandList = command.split("");

    int openDelimitersCount = 0;
    int closingDelimiterCount = 0;

    int innerListsCount = 0; int lastInnerListIndex = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < commandList.length; i  ) {
        if (openingDelimiter.equals(commandList[i])) {
            // the next inner list should be created for adding "non-bracket" elements
            innerListsCount  ;
            lastInnerListIndex  ;
            List<String> innerList = new ArrayList<>();

            openDelimitersCount  ;
        } else if (closingDelimiter.equals(commandList[i])) {
            // the next "non-bracket" elements should be added to the previous list
            closingDelimiterCount  ;
        } else {
            // it's not a bracket, it's some other "non-bracket" element
            if (innerListsCount == 0) {
                // no brackets at the beginning of the sequence, so we should create the very first list
                innerListsCount  ;
                lastInnerListIndex  ;
                List<String> innerList = new ArrayList<>();
            } else {
                // we already have some inner list
                if (lastInnerListIndex < 0) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Last inner list index reached negative value!");
                List<String> lastInnerList = globalList.get(lastInnerListIndex);

    if (openDelimitersCount != closingDelimiterCount) {
        // you can check here and throw an exception in case there's some mismatch regarding the count of ( and )
        throw new RuntimeException("The count of ( and ) brackets in the input expression does not match!");

    // return the global list of inner lists
    return globalList;

The usage of this method and sample cases:

    List<List<String>> result1 = saveInLists("(defun sum(  1 2))");
    // 2 inner lists inside global list: [[d, e, f, u, n,  , s, u, m], [ ,  , 1,  , 2]]

    List<List<String>> result2 = saveInLists("(defun sum(  1 2) a bc d)");
    // 2 inner lists inside global list: [[d, e, f, u, n,  , s, u, m,  , a,  , b, c,  , d], [ ,  , 1,  , 2]]

    List<List<String>> result3 = saveInLists("defun sum(  1 2) a bc d");
    // The same as previous, despite the absence of outer brackets pair: [[d, e, f, u, n,  , s, u, m,  , a,  , b, c,  , d], [ ,  , 1,  , 2]]

    List<List<String>> result4 = saveInLists("(defun sum(  1 2 (some internal expr)) a bc d)");
    // 3 inner lists inside global list: [[d, e, f, u, n,  , s, u, m,  , a,  , b, c,  , d], [ ,  , 1,  , 2,  ], [s, o, m, e,  , i, n, t, e, r, n, a, l,  , e, x, p, r]]

    List<List<String>> result5 = saveInLists("defun sum(  1 2 (some internal expr)) a bc d)");
    // this will throw an exception, because we're missing the very first opening bracket.

Please, let me know if this solution works for you.

CodePudding user response:

The implementation can be the following one:

public List<String> saveInLists(String command) {
    List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
    LinkedList<Integer> startPositions = new LinkedList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < command.length(); i  ) {
        if (command.charAt(i) == '(') {
        } else if (command.charAt(i) == ')') {
            result.add(command.substring(startPositions.removeFirst(), i   1));
    return result;

Every time ( is found the start position is saved in the startPositions list and every time ) is found the substring is saved in the result list.

Notice that you can access the command string directly like a char array.


(defun sum(  1 (- 5 2) 2))


["(- 5 2)", "(  1 (- 5 2) 2)", "(defun sum(  1 (- 5 2) 2))"]
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