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using a DisplayActionSheet from viewmodel


I want to use a DisplayActionSheet inside my viewmodel, that gets called via a command that gets called by the press of a button. the problem is i dont have access to DisplayActionSheet (the name DisplayActionSheet doesnt exist in current context). Normally i would have just put it in the page.xaml.cs file but the problem is that i am trying to remove a label everytime a certain action is taken, and the collection of labels is located inside the viewmodel. i hope you understand my question.

                                Command="{Binding Path=BindingContext.RemoveOrdreCommand, Source={x:Reference OrdreListe}}"
                                CommandParameter="{Binding .}"


public ICommand RemoveOrdreCommand => new Command(RemoveOrdreItem);
    public async void RemoveOrdreItem(object o)
        string svar = await *DisplayActionSheet*("Vil du tage imod denne ordre?", "Annullér", null, "Ja", "Nej");
        OrdreItem ordreItemBeingRemoved = o as OrdreItem;
        if (svar == "Ja")


the ** is where it gives me the error. if i try putting it as an eventhandler in the page.xaml.cs i cant access my observable collection of OrdreItems

CodePudding user response:

DisplayActionSheet is a method of Page. To access it from your VM, you can do this

App.Current.MainPage.DisplayActionSheet("Vil du tage imod denne ordre?", "Annullér", null, "Ja", "Nej");
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