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sql query for aggregation multiple columns


I would like to write a query on presto sql.

The table:

words id1 id2 id2_like rank
baseball 28 2756 1. 6
baseball 28 3180. 0. 5
baseball 28. 8161. 0. 17
baseball 11. 1723 0. 22
baseball 11. 5329. 1. 29
football. 19. 3210. 1. 2
football. 19. 5519 0. 18
football. 19. 6257 1. 3

"id2_like" depends on "id2" and it can only be 1 or 0 . I would like to get some aggregation results from the above table within one sql query.

for each "words", we need to get

  1. total number of id2_like =1
  2. percentage of id2_like as 0 out of total id2_like
  3. number of id1 where id2_like = 0
  4. average over id1 the max rank of id2_like=0
  5. average percentage of id2 as 0 over id1 (in case some id2_like=1 and some are 0)

I know how to develop query for each one but I am not sure how to get all of them within one single sql query.

expected results:

words.   id1_cnt_for_id2_as_1  perc_id2_as_0  id1_cnt_for_id2_as_0_perc.   max_rank_id2_as_0   avg_perc_id2_as_0
baseball     2                     3/5        2                                (17 22)/2               (2/3 1/2)/2   
football.  2.                       2/3.     1.                             18                    1/3.   

CodePudding user response:

If I understand correctly here is what you want, however I didn't understand what you want for number 5

select words
    , sum(id2_like) as id2_like_total
    , sum(id2_like) * 100.0 / count(*) as perc_id2_like
    , count(distinct case when id2_like =0 then id1 end) id1_count
from tablename
group by words

CodePudding user response:

Hope it helps you to get some idea of what to do, tested in AWS Athena (pretty much like presto under the hood). Did not understood the fifth question.

        item_1 / CAST(size as decimal(10,4)) * 100 as item_2, 
        size - item_1 as item_3,
        max_rank as item_4
    FROM (
              SUM(id2_like) as item_1, 
              COUNT(*) as size,
              AVG(id1/CAST((SELECT MAX(rank) FROM tb WHERE id2_like = 0) as decimal(10,4))) as max_rank
         FROM tb 
         GROUP BY 1
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