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Assign ID column based on multiple columns


I would like to create a new column with an ID code based on multiple conditions of several columns. This is a sample of my data.

     pat     N     C    NC n1    c1   
 1     1     1     1     1 FALSE FALSE
 2     2     1     1     1 FALSE FALSE
 3     3    12    31     2 FALSE FALSE
 4     4    12    31     2 FALSE FALSE
 5     5     3    15     3 FALSE TRUE 
 6     6     4    15     4 FALSE TRUE 
 7     7     5    18     5 TRUE  FALSE
 8     8     5    20     6 TRUE  FALSE
 9     9     6    21     7 FALSE FALSE
10    10     7    21     8 FALSE FALSE
11    11     8    19     9 FALSE FALSE
12    12     9    11    10 FALSE FALSE
13    13    10    11    11 FALSE FALSE
14    14    11    14    12 FALSE FALSE

sample <- data.frame(pat = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14), 
                      N = c(1,1,12,12,3,4,5,5,6,7,8,9,10,11), 
                     C = c(1,1,31,31,15,15,18,20,21,21,19,11,11,14),
                     NC = c(1,1,2,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12),
                     n1 = c("FALSE", "FALSE","FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE","TRUE","TRUE","FALSE","FALSE", "FALSE","FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE"),
                     c1 = c("FALSE", "FALSE","FALSE", "FALSE", "TRUE", "TRUE","FALSE","FALSE","FALSE","FALSE", "FALSE","FALSE", "FALSE", "FALSE"))

Column N/C/NC are integer class. Column n1/c1 are logical. If a row has the same number for column N and C, then column NC assigned a duplicate number.

Now i would like to create a new column of ascending numbers, but mark rows with the same number if

  1. column NC is duplicate, or
  2. column N is duplicate and column n1 is FALSE, or
  3. column C is duplicate and column c1 is FALSE.

If column N or C is duplicate and n1 or c1 is TRUE, then it has to show a unique number.

I would like to have a desired output like this

     pat     N     C    NC n1    c1        new_ID
 1     1     1     1     1 FALSE FALSE     1
 2     2     1     1     1 FALSE FALSE     1
 3     3    12    31     2 FALSE FALSE     2 
 4     4    12    31     2 FALSE FALSE     2
 5     5     3    15     3 FALSE TRUE      3
 6     6     4    15     4 FALSE TRUE      4
 7     7     5    18     5 TRUE  FALSE     5
 8     8     5    20     6 TRUE  FALSE     6
 9     9     6    21     7 FALSE FALSE     7
10    10     7    21     8 FALSE FALSE     7
11    11     8    19     9 FALSE FALSE     8
12    12     9    11    10 FALSE FALSE     9
13    13    10    11    11 FALSE FALSE     9
14    14    11    14    12 FALSE FALSE     10

I know there have been several question about assigning new ID columns, but i couldt find one based on multiple (similar) conditions. Therefor i would like to ask this question here. Many thanks in advance.

CodePudding user response:

This code makes it possible to create an unique ID based on multiple variables.

sample <- data.table::as.data.table(sample)[
  j = new_ID := base::as.numeric(base::interaction(var1, var..., varn,

Since your explanation is not really clear to me, I let you try this by yourself. I believe you have to create a new variable/column for each condition, then put those variables into the code.

CodePudding user response:

Here is one option:

sample <- data.frame(pat = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14), 
                      N = c(1,1,12,12,3,4,5,5,6,7,8,9,10,11), 
                     C = c(1,1,31,31,15,15,18,20,21,21,19,11,11,14),
                     NC = c(1,1,2,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12),

sample <- sample[order(sample$NC, sample$N, sample$C), ]

id <- 1
sample[1, 'new_ID'] <- id

for (i in 2:nrow(sample)) {

  if (((sample[i, 'NC'] != sample[i - 1, 'NC']) | sample[i - 1, 'n1']) &
      ((sample[i, 'C'] != sample[i - 1, 'C']) | sample[i - 1, 'c1'])) {
    id <- id   1

  sample[i, 'new_ID'] <- id

> sample
   pat  N  C NC    n1    c1 new_ID
1    1  1  1  1 FALSE FALSE      1
2    2  1  1  1 FALSE FALSE      1
3    3 12 31  2 FALSE FALSE      2
4    4 12 31  2 FALSE FALSE      2
5    5  3 15  3 FALSE  TRUE      3
6    6  4 15  4 FALSE  TRUE      4
7    7  5 18  5  TRUE FALSE      5
8    8  5 20  6  TRUE FALSE      6
9    9  6 21  7 FALSE FALSE      7
10  10  7 21  8 FALSE FALSE      7
11  11  8 19  9 FALSE FALSE      8
12  12  9 11 10 FALSE FALSE      9
13  13 10 11 11 FALSE FALSE      9
14  14 11 14 12 FALSE FALSE     10

If it weren't for the n1/c1 constraints, you should be able to use as.integer(factor(...) where ... = a paste or interaction call with the variables needed.

But with n1 and c1, all I could think of was a loop. This requires sorting first! And note that you had quotes around TRUE and FALSE, which I removed.

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