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Button refreshes page, and UseEffect not working


I have two buttons in my react.js project, when i click on the css should switch. To do this i have a onClick call to a function flip which changes the value of a state pathoButton from true to false (or vice versa). Then i have a useEffect that should only be run when pathoButton is changed and this alters the html. For some reason every time i click a button the whole page refreshes and im not sure what courses this. here is a snippet of some of the code.

where pathoButton is originally set

    const [userSettings, setuserSettings] = useState(
            pathoButton: true,

The two buttons which are pathologyButton and treatmentButton when the treatmentButton is clicked flip is called

return (
      <div className="input-group top-gap">
          <form className="form-length">
              <div className="input-group">
                <button className="pathologyButton">  <dt>Pathology</dt> </button>
                <button className="treatmentButton" onClick={()=>flip()}>  <dt>Treatment</dt> </button> 
            <div className="svg-form">
          <form className='form-length'>
              <input type="Animal"  placeholder="Search by owner name or animal..." /> 


flip and my use effect, i have tried window.location.reload(false); but it does not work

    function flip(e){
        const pathoB = ! userSettings.pathoButton        
        setuserSettings((prevState) => {
            return { ...prevState, pathoButton: pathoB };

    useEffect(() => {
        console.log(userSettings.pathoButton, '<---log\n\n\n')
        if (userSettings.pathoButton) {
            return (<div> 
                <button className="pathologyButton" onClick={()=>flip()}>  <dt>Pathology</dt> </button>
                <button className="treatmentButton" onClick={()=>flip()}>  <dt>Treatment</dt> </button> 
        } else {
            return (<div>
                <button className="treatmentButton" onClick={()=>flip()}>  <dt>Pathology</dt> </button>
                <button className="pathologyButton" onClick={()=>flip()}>  <dt>Treatment</dt> </button> 
    }, [userSettings.pathoButton])

Sorry if this is a repost of a question! i dont think it is but could be as im unsure what causes the page to refresh and any help or advice would be awesome!

CodePudding user response:

Try that.

const [userSettings, setuserSettings] = useState({pathoButton: true});

function flip(e){
  const pathoB = !userSettings.pathoButton    
  setuserSettings((prevState) => { ...prevState, pathoButton: pathoB });

function buttons() {
  if (userSettings.pathoButton) {
    return (
        <button className="pathologyButton" onClick={()=>flip()}> <dt>Pathology</dt> </button>
        <button className="treatmentButton" onClick={()=>flip()}> <dt>Treatment</dt> </button> 
  } else {
    return (
        <button className="treatmentButton" onClick={()=>flip()}> <dt>Pathology</dt> </button>
        <button className="pathologyButton" onClick={()=>flip()}> <dt>Treatment</dt> </button> 

return (
  <div className="input-group top-gap">
    <form className="form-length">
      <div className="svg-form">
    <form className='form-length'>
      <input type="Animal"  placeholder="Search by owner name or animal..." /> 

So have the buttons returned by a function, since their order depend on a state.

Forget about the useEffect for that, since the click event already sets the state, which re-renders the component already.

Use a button type="button" to prevent the form submission... And never again use a window.reload unless you know that all other component states, Redux store and all you can think of will also reset and that is what you want.

CodePudding user response:

The default type attribute of a button is submit which means that when you use


this button submits the form. Again, by default, without doing anything else, a form is submitted as GET so in your case, this gives you a reload.

If you do NOT want the buttons to submit the form, you have to specify type="button" on them:

  <button type="button">this does not submit the form</button>
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