Home > Enterprise >  How to prepend scss files in Vue3 dart-sass?
How to prepend scss files in Vue3 dart-sass?


I am trying to prepend scss files to my project. Here is my vue.config.js:

const {defineConfig} = require('@vue/cli-service');
module.exports = defineConfig({
    transpileDependencies: true,
    css: {
        loaderOptions: {
            scss: {
                sassOptions: {
                    content: "~@/assets/styles/base/_colors.scss;"

But scss is not loaded (look at the screenshot). I am using Vue3, [email protected], [email protected] enter image description here enter image description here

P.S. with node-sass it worker fine

CodePudding user response:

If it's any help i did this with node-sass in my webpack config:

    test: /\.scss$/,
    use: [
      env.production ? MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader : 'vue-style-loader',
        loader: 'css-loader',
        options: {
          url: false,
        loader: 'sass-loader',
        options: {
          @import "css/base/colors.scss";
          @import "css/settings.scss";
          @import "css/font-definitions";

With that I can use any of the variables defined from the files in additionalData in vue files.

CodePudding user response:

My vue.config.js :

module.exports = {
  css: {
    loaderOptions: {
      scss: {
        additionalData: `@import "./src/style/global.scss";`,

Works fine for me

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