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Create a list for CarPlay


So I am currently having to manually add new stations to our CarPlay app. However we have a JSON which our app uses for iPhone and iPad. So I am wondering how do I create a list that uses this information instead of me manually creating it.

func templateApplicationScene(_ templateApplicationScene: CPTemplateApplicationScene, didConnect interfaceController: CPInterfaceController) {
    let DRN1 = CPListItem(text: "DRN1", detailText: "Perth's No.1 Online Station.")
    let Hits = CPListItem(text: "DRN1 Hits", detailText: "Top 40 songs and yesturdays hits.")
    let United = CPListItem(text: "DRN1 United", detailText: "Perth's Dedicated LGBTIQA  Station.")
    let Dance = CPListItem(text: "DRN1 Dance", detailText: "Playing the hottest dance tracks.")
    if #available(iOS 14.0, *) {
        let nowplay = CPNowPlayingTemplate.shared
        DRN1.handler = { item, completion in
            print("selected DRN1")
            AdStichrApi.station = "DRN1"
            MusicPlayer.shared.startBackgroundMusic(url:"https://api.example.com.au:9000/station/DRN1", type: "radio")
            DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now()   5.00) {
                interfaceController.pushTemplate(nowplay, animated: true,completion:nil)
        Hits.handler = { item, completion in
            print("selected Hits")
            AdStichrApi.station = "DRN1Hits"
            MusicPlayer.shared.startBackgroundMusic(url:"https://api.example.com.au:9000/station/DRN1Hits", type: "radio")
            DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now()   5.00) {
                //interfaceController.presentTemplate(nowplay, animated: false)
                interfaceController.pushTemplate(nowplay, animated: true,completion:nil)
        United.handler = { item, completion in
            print("selected United")
            AdStichrApi.station = "DRN1United"
            MusicPlayer.shared.startBackgroundMusic(url:"https://api.example.com.au:9000/station/DRN1United", type: "radio")
              // do work in the UI thread here
            DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now()   5.00) {
                interfaceController.pushTemplate(nowplay, animated: true,completion:nil)
        Dance.handler = { item, completion in
            print("selected Dance")
            AdStichrApi.station = "dance"
            MusicPlayer.shared.startBackgroundMusic(url:"https://api.example.com.au:9000/station/dance", type: "radio")
            DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now()   5.00) {
                interfaceController.pushTemplate(nowplay, animated: true,completion:nil)
    } else {
        // Fallback on earlier versions
    let listTemplate = CPListTemplate(title: "Select a Station", sections: [CPListSection(items:[DRN1,United,Hits,Dance])])

However in my iOS app I just use

Api().getStations { (stations) in
                       self.stations = stations

Which fetches the JSON from the backend and provides me with every station available.

I am wondering How can I create a CPList using this information instead.

Example: I found this example but it is fetching local data and I don't need the tab bar at this time.


CodePudding user response:

Give this a try:

// In some function in the CarPlaySceneDelegate
Api().getStations { (stations) in
    var stationItems: [CPListItem] = []
    self.radios = stations
    for station in stations {
        let item = CPListItem(text: station.name, 
                              detailText: station.description
                              image: station.image)
        item.handler = { [weak self] item, completion in
            // manage what should happen on tap
            // like navigate to NowPlayingView
    loadList(withStations: stationItems)

// Load the list template
private func loadList(withStations stations: [CPListItem]) {
    let section = CPListSection(items: stations)
    let listTemplate = CPListTemplate(title: "Select a station",
                                      sections: [section])
    // Set the root template of the CarPlay interface
    // to the list template with a completion handler
                                         animated: true) { success, error in
        // add anything you want after setting the root template

The for loop to add the stations in a CPListItem array can be replaced by a map function but I did it this way for clarity.


In your class CarPlaySceneDelegate, fix the spelling from

var interfactController: CPInterfaceController?


var interfaceController: CPInterfaceController?

In your templateApplicationScene didConnect comment out the interfactController?.setRootTemplate(listTemplate, animated: false) for now

and add this line to it self.interfaceController = interfaceController

So the updated function looks like this:

func templateApplicationScene(_ templateApplicationScene: CPTemplateApplicationScene,
                              didConnect interfaceController: CPInterfaceController) {
    // Add this
    self.interfaceController = interfaceController
    Api().getStations { (stations) in
        var stationItems: [CPListItem] = []
        self.stations = stations
        for station in stations {
            let item = CPListItem(text: station.name,
                                  detailText: station.name
                                  // image: imageLiteralResourceName:"DRN1Logo")
            item.handler = { [weak self] item, completion in
                // manage what should happen on tap
                // like navigate to NowPlayingView
        self.loadList(withStations: stationItems)

Do you see any better results ?

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