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Google Sheet Query Pivot - count if a date is between a range of dates


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 SEQUENCE(1; MAX(DATEDIF(B2:B; C2:C; "Y")); ); ROW(A2:A)&"×"&A2:A&"×"&
 YEAR(B2:B) SEQUENCE(1; MAX(DATEDIF(B2:B; C2:C; "Y")); )&"-1-1"; )); "×"); 
 "select Col2,count(Col2) 
  where year(Col3) matches '2018|2019|2020' 
  group by Col2 
  pivot year(Col3) 
  label Col2'Between'"); 
 "order by Col4 desc, Col3 desc, Col2 desc"))

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