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Duplicate object on array when using .forEach


I am trying to push data using the .forEach function into an array of objects so that I could return a list of available feedbacks into the Administrator page for my portfolio but when they are pushed into the feedback array, it turns out that the objects from d get duplicated, but the weird part is that only the last object pushed that gets duplicated.

I've tried to reassign the array before fetching, using useState on d, using useState on feedback and on dataArray but it still returned the same.


import styles from '../../styles/Home.module.css';
import { supabase } from '../../lib/supabase';
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';

interface s {
    session: any
interface dataObject {
    id: String,
    Name: String,
    Message: String,

const AdminPage = (props: s) => {
    let d = {} as dataObject
    const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
    const [feedback, setFeedback] = useState<any>([{}]); 
    const dataArray:Array<any> = [];
    const getFeedback = async () => {
        try {
            let {data, error, status} = await supabase
                .select('id, Name, Message')
            if (error && status !== 406) throw error;
            if (data) {
                data.forEach(element => {
                    console.log('Data: ', data)
                    const {id, Name, Message} = element;
                    d.id = id;
                    d.Name = Name;
                    d.Message = Message;
        } catch (error) {
            // @ts-ignore
        } finally {
            console.log('Feedback: ', feedback);
    const signOut = async () => {
        const { error } = await supabase.auth.signOut()
        if (error) throw error;
    if (feedback !== [{}]) {
        feedback.forEach(element => {
            if (!element.id) return;
            <div className={styles.card}>
                <div key={element.id}>
                 <p>{element.Name} says: &quot;{element.Message}&quot;</p>
        console.log('DataArray: ', dataArray )
    return (
            {loading ? (
                'Loading Data...'
            ): (
                    {dataArray.length == 2 ? (
                        <div className={styles.error}>
                            <p>No data available...</p>
                            ): (
                    <button className={styles.button_d} onClick={signOut}>Signout</button>
                    <button className={styles.button} onClick={getFeedback}>Get Feedback JSON</button>

export default AdminPage;


Array [ {…}, {…} ]
0: Object { id: "927c5399-7251-4139-8a31-5417f9383d06", Name: "Raul Perez", Message: "This is a test feedback to try out the brand new feedback feature from perezbueno.xyz!" }
1: Object { id: "d8981533-d629-4082-b45d-1ac9b758e73e", Name: "Hello World", Message: "deez nuts" }
length: 2
<prototype>: Array []
Array(4) [ [], dispatchAction(), {…}, {…} ]
0: Array []
1: function dispatchAction()
2: Object { "$$typeof": Symbol("react.element"), type: "div", key: null, … }
3: Object { "$$typeof": Symbol("react.element"), type: "div", key: null, … }
length: 4
<prototype>: Array []
Array(3) [ {}, {…}, {…} ]
0: Object {  }
1: Object { id: "d8981533-d629-4082-b45d-1ac9b758e73e", Name: "Hello World", Message: "deez nuts" }
2: Object { id: "d8981533-d629-4082-b45d-1ac9b758e73e", Name: "Hello World", Message: "deez nuts" }
length: 3
<prototype>: Array []

CodePudding user response:

i think when change the state,should use setstate. feedback.push(d) should change to


CodePudding user response:

You need to use setFeedback in order to update your state instead of feedback.push. Replace feedback.push with setFeedback([...feedback,d]) and it should solve your issue

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