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Expected Parcelable for result for camera Intent


I am making a camera intent and storing the snapshot using the activity result, this is my code:

File imageFolder=new File(context.getExternalCacheDir(),"Cam/"   form);
String random= UUID.randomUUID().toString();
String filename = random   ".jpg";
TakenImage =  imageFolder   "/"   filename;
Intent camera=new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);

But I get this error on the last line:

Key output expected Parcelable but value was a java.lang.String. The default value was returned.

Attempt to cast generated internal exception:

java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to android.os.Parcelable

Camera is an Intent, I also declared ActivityResultLauncher as Intent

ActivityResultLauncher<Intent> activityResultCamera = registerForActivityResult(...

So, what I am doing wrong?

CodePudding user response:

EXTRA_OUTPUT needs to be:

  • A Uri...
  • With a scheme of content

You have:

  • A String...
  • That is a filesystem path that other apps cannot access on Android 10

Use FileProvider to get a Uri that points to your desired location, and use that Uri in EXTRA_OUTPUT.

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