Home > Enterprise >  How to make an ascendant sort of the data for the column B and keep the associated values for the de
How to make an ascendant sort of the data for the column B and keep the associated values for the de


Good morning to the community.

I'm working on Google Sheets. I'm using Apps Script. You can find my file in the following link.

  • [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ce5sppfkftIh0uDsODDmXb_9Cd-hfh5w_q3lIoIS5o8/edit?usp=sharing]

I have one sheet named "journal" where I have the data of my journal.

Année 2022
Mois 3
Date Compte Détail des opérations Débit Crédit
06-mars 6 Groover 24,00
06-mars 512 Banque 24,00
facture fournisseur n°
12-mars 7 Bus balladium concert 135,00
12-mars 53 Caisse 135,00
versement client n°
28-mars 6 Groover 24,00
28-mars 512 Banque 24,00
facture fournisseur n°
Totaux à reporter 183,00 183,00

I have also one sheet named "grand livre" where I tried to report the data of the sheet "journal" and sort the data of the accounts (column B) in an ascendant way. But, the line 9 with the account "7" is not at the end and should be at the end.

Débit Crédit
06-mars 512 24
28-mars 512 24
12-mars 53 135
12-mars 7 135
06-mars 6 24
28-mars 6 24
à reporter 183 183
function monGrandLivre() {
  var journal = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('journal')
  var data = journal.getDataRange().getDisplayValues().filter(r => (!isNaN(Date.parse(r[0]))))
  data = data.sort(function (a, b) {
    return b[1] - a[1];
  var result = []
  result.push(['', '', '', 'Débit', 'Crédit'])
  data.forEach(function (donnees, ligne) {
    result.push([donnees[0], donnees[1], '', donnees[3], donnees[4]])
    if (ligne != (data.length - 1)) {
      if (data[ligne   1][1] != data[ligne][1]) {
        result.push(['', '', '', '', ''])
        result.push(['', '', '', '', ''])
  var grandLivre = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('grand livre')
  grandLivre.getRange(1, 1, result.length, result[0].length).setValues(result)
  grandLivre.getRange(result.length   1, 3).setValue('à reporter')
  grandLivre.getRange(result.length   1, 4).setFormula('=sum(D2:D'   result.length   ')')
  grandLivre.getRange(result.length   1, 5).setFormula('=sum(E2:E'   result.length   ')')

Can you help me?

Thank you in advance.

CodePudding user response:

If you want to sort column B by text and not by value, change as follows

  data = data.sort(function (a, b) {
    return (''   a[1]).localeCompare(b[1]);
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