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Get element of Array after last split in GO


I don't know if the title is clearly, i will explain my problem,

I have this piece of code :

package main

import (

func main() {
    s := "[email protected]"
    fields := []string{}

    last := 0
    for i, r := range s {
        if r == '_' || r == '-' {
            fmt.Printf("%q\n", fields)
            fields = append(fields, s[last:i 1])

            last = i   1

    fmt.Printf("%q\n", fields)


This code prints this :

["test-" "email-"]

But i don't know how can I put in the same time the last word, "test" in the same array, so that it gives :

["test-" "email-" "test"]

Anyone has idea please ?

Thanks a lot

CodePudding user response:

I'm not entirely sure what the end goal is, but if it is to get a list of fields separated by - or _ in the username part of an email address, you may want to just use strings.Split and strings.FieldsFunc.

You can just Split on @ to get the username part, then use FieldsFunc to get the fields.

package main

import (

func main() {
    s := "[email protected]"
    user := strings.Split(s, "@")[0] // get the username part
    fields := strings.FieldsFunc(user, func(c rune) bool {
        return c == '-' || c == '_'


CodePudding user response:

Your criteria to cut a string is to find a certain char. The last piece does not match this rule except if you use a string like “a-b-c-“

Advice: check if there is something after last and append it after the for-loop

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