I'm working on a Show-Menu PS script. After the user gives in his input and he gets the result. He should see again the Menu and not "Enter the user ID: "
I know this is possible by removing the Show-Menu but than my user input is not selected for my commands.
Thanks in advance!
function Show-Menu {
param (
[string]$Title = 'UserInfo V3.1'
Write-Host "Enter the user ID: " -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "================ $Title ================"
Write-Host "Press 'U' for general user info."
Write-Host "Press 'P' for account and password information."
Write-Host "Press 'C' for computer info."
Write-Host "Press 'G' for Virtual Applications (AVC)."
write-Host "Press 'S' for SNOW info details"
Write-Host "Press 'Q' to Quit."
write-Host "=============================================="
do {
$userName = Show-Menu
$Selection = Read-Host "Please make a selection"
switch ($Selection) {
'U' { Get-ADUser -Identity $Username; pause }
} until ($Selection -eq 'q')
CodePudding user response:
If Show-Menu
is only supposed to show a menu, then prompting a user for input with Read-Host
is clearly not appropriate. Move that part out of the Show-Menu
function Show-Menu {
param (
[string]$Title = 'UserInfo V3.1'
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "================ $Title ================"
Write-Host "Press 'U' for general user info."
Write-Host "Press 'P' for account and password information."
Write-Host "Press 'C' for computer info."
Write-Host "Press 'G' for Virtual Applications (AVC)."
write-Host "Press 'S' for SNOW info details"
Write-Host "Press 'Q' to Quit."
write-Host "=============================================="
Write-Host "Enter the user ID: " -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline
$userName = Read-Host
do {
$Selection = Read-Host "Please make a selection"
switch ($Selection) {
'U' { Get-ADUser -Identity $Username; pause }
} until ($Selection -eq 'q')
CodePudding user response:
[you may find it simpler to just use the Out-Gridview
cmdlet. there is a text-only console version available if you can install such.]
the following is a slightly different approach. it accepts a list of possible menu choices and ONLY accepts those items OR x
as valid choices.
i think the code is fairly obvious, so i will just show it ... and the onscreen output. [grin]
function Get-MenuChoice
[CmdletBinding ()]
[Parameter (
Position = 0
[Parameter (
Position = 1
[Parameter (
Position = 2
$Prompt = 'Please enter a number from the above list or "x" to exit '
$ValidChoices = 0..$MenuList.GetUpperBound(0) 'x'
$Choice = ''
while ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Choice))
Write-Host $Title
foreach ($Index in 0..$MenuList.GetUpperBound(0))
Write-Host ('{0} - {1}' -f $Index, $MenuList[$Index])
$Choice = Read-Host -Prompt $Prompt
Write-Host ''
if ($Choice -notin $ValidChoices)
[System.Console]::Beep(1000, 300)
Write-Warning ''
Write-Warning (' [ {0} ] is not a valid selection.' -f $Choice)
Write-Warning ' Please try again.'
Write-Warning ''
$Choice = ''
# send it out to the caller
if ($Choice -eq 'x')
} # end >>> function Get-MenuChoice
'***** demo usage below *****'
$MenuList = @(
'An Item'
'Some Other Item'
'Middle Menu Item'
'Yet Another Item'
'The Last Choice'
$Choice = Get-MenuChoice -MenuList $MenuList
'You chose [ {0} ] giving you [ {1} ].' -f $Choice, $MenuList[$Choice]
output for one invalid & one valid input ...
0 - An Item
1 - Some Other Item
2 - Middle Menu Item
3 - Yet Another Item
4 - The Last Choice
Please enter a number from the above list or "x" to exit : 66
WARNING: [ 66 ] is not a valid selection.
WARNING: Please try again.
Press Enter to continue...:
0 - An Item
1 - Some Other Item
2 - Middle Menu Item
3 - Yet Another Item
4 - The Last Choice
Please enter a number from the above list or "x" to exit : 1
You chose [ 1 ] giving you [ Some Other Item ].