Home > Enterprise >  Cannot see Log information in Kibana running in Docker Container in my Spring Boot App (ELK)
Cannot see Log information in Kibana running in Docker Container in my Spring Boot App (ELK)


I have an issue to show logger information Kibana running in Docker Container in my Spring Boot App. After I ran this command(docker-compose -d), all containers covering ELK ran in Docker. I opened Kibana with this url (http://localhost:5601). Then I created an index related to Logstash. I couldn't see any logger related with my project information in Kibana.

Here is the screenshot shown below.

How can I fix it?

Here is my logstash.conf file shown below.

    input {
        tcp {
                port => 5000
        file {
                path => "C:/Users/{username}/IdeaProjects/SpringBootElk/Springboot-Elk.log"
                sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
                start_position => "beginning"
output {
                codec => rubydebug
        elasticsearch {
                hosts => "elasticsearch:9200"

Here is logstash conf in docker-compose.yml

    image: docker.elastic.co/logstash/logstash:7.15.2
    user: root
    command: -f /etc/logstash/conf.d/
      - ./elk/logstash/:/etc/logstash/conf.d/
      - ./Users/{username}/IdeaProjects/SpringBootElk/Springboot-Elk.log:/Springboot-Elk.log
      - "5000:5000"
      LS_JAVA_OPTS: "-Xmx256m -Xms256m"
      - elasticsearch

Here is my Project File : enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

You probably need to add another volume in your docker-compose configuration in order to map the C:/Users/... folder of your local host to the Docker container, otherwise Logstash running inside a Docker container will not be able to see your filesystem.

  - ./elk/logstash/:/etc/logstash/conf.d/
  - "C:/Users/{username}/IdeaProjects/SpringBootElk:/tmp/logs"

Note: if it doesn't work for your Windows environment, you might want to check this thread.

Then you can modify your file input like this:

file {
        path => "/tmp/logs/*"
        sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
        start_position => "beginning"

UPDATE: So you have two modes...

  1. you run the app from IntelliJ and the logs are produced on your localhost and it works
  2. you run the app from docker-compose and the logs are produced in the app's container and Logstash which runs in another container doesn't see them

In this case, you need to share a volume between containers. Below, we define a shared volume called app-logs. The app container will produce logs in /path/to/Springboot-Elk.log (you might need to adjust the path according to your application configuration) and the logstash container will see them in /tmp/logs.

So now your Logstash container is able to read both the logs produced by your application running on localhost and from your application running from its own container.

      - ./elk/logstash/:/etc/logstash/conf.d/
      - "C:/Users/{username}/IdeaProjects/SpringBootElk:/tmp/logs"
      - app-logs:/tmp/logs
      - app-logs:/path/to/Springboot-Elk.log

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