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Command Raised an exception: TypeError: string indicies must be integers


I am coding a discord.py bot and i have a command called slots. I am using a function to update the balence of the user that runs the command. The code is.

async def update_bank(user,change = 0,mode = "wallet"):
    users = await get_bank_data()

    users[str(user.id)][mode]  = change

    with open("mainbank.json","w") as f:

    bal = [users[str(user.id)["wallet"], users[str(user.id)]["bank"]]]
    return bal

But the error as said in the title is in this line.

    bal = [users[str(user.id)["wallet"], users[str(user.id)]["bank"]]]

Here is the stack trace

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/container/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/discord/ext/commands/core.py", line 85, in wrapped
    ret = await coro(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/container/cogs/slots.py", line 54, in slots
    bal = await update_bank(ctx.author.id)
  File "/home/container/cogs/slots.py", line 38, in update_bank
    bal = [users[str(user)["wallet"], users[str(user)]["bank"]]]
TypeError: string indices must be integers

If anyone can help that will be great

CodePudding user response:

Pretty sure that you are simply missing the square bracket right here

bal = [users[str(user.id) ->]<- ["wallet"], users[str(user.id)]["bank"]]]
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