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Is this syntax for an If Elif Else statement correct? There is an error for my variable name


I am trying to set age and salary date into three categories and do no know what is messing up.

subset['AGE_Range'] = subset['AGE'].map(lambda x:'old' if x > 29 'mid' elif 25 < x < 30 else 'young')
subset['AVG_Salary_Range'] = subset['AVG_SALARY'].map(lambda x:'high' if x > 15000000 'med' elif 6000000 < x < 15000000 else 'low')

Here is the error that I receive.

File "/var/folders/hx/q1y8qq5n4fgc2fl8y1zfbhlw0000gn/T/ipykernel_15491/1445428960.py", line 1
    subset['AGE_Range'] = subset['AGE'].map(lambda x:'old' if x > 29 'mid' elif 25 < x < 30 else 'young')
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

CodePudding user response:

No, your if statement is not correct. The inline if operator doesn't have an elif option. So, don't use a lambda:

def agerange(x):
    if x > 29:
        return 'old'
    elif x > 25:
        return 'mid'
        return 'young'

def salaries(x):
    if x > 15000000:
        return 'high'
    elif x > 6000000:
        return 'med'
        return 'low'
subset['AGE_Range'] = subset['AGE'].map(agerange)
subset['AVG_Salary_Range'] = subset['AVG_SALARY'].map(salaries)

CodePudding user response:

1 : if you wanna use elif you can do somting like tihs

map(lambda x:'old' if x > 29  else 'mid' if 25 < x < 30 else 'young')

2: You need two arguments for the map Function

3: you cant pass int as argument for map Function

Maybe this will help

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