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Create directories and subdirectories in Powershell to move files


I am trying to create directories and subdirectories based on the names of existing files. After that I want to move those files into the according directories. I have already come pretty far, also with the help of here and here, but I am failing at some point.

Existing Test Files Actually about 5000 files Folder structure This is how it should look like afterwards
MM0245AK625_G03_701.txt MM\MM0245\625\G03\MM0245AK625_G03_701.txt
MM0245AK830_G04_701.txt MM\MM0245\830\G04\MM0245AK830_G04_701.txt
VY0245AK_G03.txt VY\VY0245\VY0245AK_G03.txt
VY0245AK_G03_701.txt VY\VY0245\G03\VY0245AK_G03_701.txt
VY0245AK625_G03.txt VY\VY0245\625\VY0245AK625_G03.txt
VY0245AK625_G03_701.txt VY\VY0245\625\G03\VY0245AK625_G03_701.txt
VY0345AK625_G03_701.txt VY\VY0345\625\G03\VY0345AK625_G03_701.txt

Code for creating those files is at the end of this post.

As you can see, the files do match some kind of pattern, but not consistently. I use multiple copies of my code with different 'parameters' to sort each type of filepattern, but there gotta be a more streamline way.

Existing code

$dataPath = "$PSScriptRoot\Test"
#$newDataPath = "$PSScriptRoot\"
Get-ChildItem $dataPath -Filter *.txt | % {
    $g1 = $_.BaseName.Substring(0, 2)
    $g2 = $_.BaseName.Substring(0, 6)
    $g3 = $_.BaseName.Substring(8, 3)
    $g4 = $_.BaseName.Substring(12, 3)

    $path = "$DataPath\$g1\$g2\$g3\$g4"
    if (-not (Test-Path $path)) {
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $path

    Move-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $path

This code also creates directories in the 3rd $g3 layer for files in "the shorter format", e.g. XX0000AK_G00.txt. This file should however not be moved further than layer $g2. Of course the code above is not capable of doing this, so I tried it with regex below.

This is an alternative idea (not worked out furhter than creating directories), but I failed to continue after Select-Object -Unique. I am failing to use $Matches[1] in New-Item, because I can only Select-Object -unique the variable $_, not $Matches[1] or even the subdirectory "$($Matches[1])$($Matches[2])". The following code is my attempt.

cd $PSScriptRoot\Test

# Create Folder Layer 1 
Get-ChildItem  |
    % {
        $_.BaseName -match "^(\w{2})(\d{4})AN(\d{3})?_(G\d{2})(_\d{3})?$" | Out-Null
        } |
    Select-Object -Unique |
    % {
        New-Item -ItemType directory $_ 
        } | Out-Null

I am fairly new to powershell, please don't be too harsh :) I also don't have a programming background, so please excuse the use of incorrect wording.

new-item $dataPath\MM0245AK830_G04_701.txt -ItemType File   
new-item $dataPath\VY0245AK_G03.txt -ItemType File   
new-item $dataPath\VY0245AK_G03_701.txt -ItemType File   
new-item $dataPath\VY0245AK625_G03.txt -ItemType File   
new-item $dataPath\VY0245AK625_G03_701.txt -ItemType File  
new-item $dataPath\VY0345AK625_G03_701.txt -ItemType File

CodePudding user response:

i am truly bad at complex regex patterns [blush], so this is done with simple string ops, mostly.

what the code does ...

  • fakes reading in some files
    when you have tested this and it works as needed on all your test files, replace the entire #region/#endregion block with a Get-ChildItem call.
  • iterates thru the collection
  • splits the BaseName on ak & saves it for later use
  • checks for a the two short file layouts
  • checks for 1 _ versus 2
  • builds the $Dir string for each of those 2 filename layouts
  • builds the long file name $Dir
  • uses the previous $Dir stuff to build the $FullDest for each file
  • shows the various stages for each file

that last section would be replaced with your mkdir & Move-Item commands.

the code ...

#region >>> fake reading in files
#    when ready to use the real things, use $Get-ChildItem
$InStuff = @'
'@ -split [System.Environment]::NewLine |
    ForEach-Object {
#endregion >>> fake reading in files

foreach ($IS_Item in $InStuff)
    $BNSplit_1 = $IS_Item.BaseName -split 'ak'

    if ($BNSplit_1[-1].StartsWith('_'))
        if (($BNSplit_1[-1] -replace '[^_]').Length -eq 1)
            $Dir = '{0}\{1}' -f $IS_Item.BaseName.Substring(0, 2),
                    $IS_Item.BaseName.Substring(0, 6)
            $Dir = '{0}\{1}\{2}' -f $IS_Item.BaseName.Substring(0, 2),
                $IS_Item.BaseName.Substring(0, 6),
        $Dir = '{0}\{1}\{2}\{3}' -f $IS_Item.BaseName.Substring(0, 2),
            $IS_Item.BaseName.Substring(0, 6),


    $FullDest = Join-Path -Path $Dir -ChildPath $IS_Item

    #region >>> show what was done with each file        
    #    replace this block with your MkDir & Move-Item commands
    'depth = {0}' -f ($FullDest.Split('\').Count - 1)
    '=' * 20
    #endregion >>> show what was done with each file        

the output ...

depth = 4
depth = 4
depth = 2
depth = 3
depth = 4
depth = 4
depth = 4

CodePudding user response:

I would first split each file BaseName on the underscore. Then use a regex to split the first part into several array elements, combine that with a possible second part of the split in order to create the destination folder path for the files.

$DataPath = "$PSScriptRoot\Test"
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $DataPath -Filter '*_*.txt' -File
foreach ($file in $files) {
    $parts = $file.BaseName -split '_'
    # regex your way to split the first part into path elements (remove empty items)
    $folders = [regex]::Match($parts[0], '(?i)^(.{2})(\d{4})[A-Z]{2}(\d{3})?').Groups[1..3].Value | Where-Object { $_ -match '\S'}
    # the second part is a merge with the first part
    $folders[1] = $folders[0]   $folders[1]
    # if there was a third part after the split on the underscore, add $part[1] (i.e. 'Gxx') to the folders array
    if ($parts.Count -gt 2) { $folders  = $parts[1] }

    # join the array elements with a backslash (i.e. [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar)
    # and join all tat to the $DataPath to create the full destination for the file
    $target = Join-Path -Path $DataPath -ChildPath ($folders -join '\')

    # create the folder if that does not yet exist
    $null = New-Item -Path $target -ItemType Directory -Force
    # move the file to that (new) directory
    $file | Move-Item -Destination $target -WhatIf

The -WhatIf switch makes the code not move anything to the new destination, it will only display where the file would go to. Once you are happy with that information, remove -WhatIf and run the code again

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