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sys.excepthook in multiprocessing.Process ignored?


Suppose we have the two files namely mymanger.py and mysub.py.


import time
from multiprocessing import Process

import mysub  # the process file

def main():

    xprocess = Process(


    print(f"== Done, errorcode is {xprocess.exitcode} ==")

if __name__ == '__main__':


import sys

def myexception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):
    print("I want this to be printed!")
    print("Uncaught exception", exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)

def main():
    sys.excepthook = myexception  # !!!
    raise ValueError()

if __name__ == "__main__":

When executing mymanager.py the resulting output is:

Process Process-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\program files\python\3.9\lib\multiprocessing\process.py", line 315, in _bootstrap
  File "c:\program files\python\3.9\lib\multiprocessing\process.py", line 108, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\lx\mysub.py", line 11, in main
    raise ValueError()
== Done, errorcode is 1 ==

When the output i expected would be something like:

I want this to be printed!
Uncaught exception <class 'ValueError'>  <traceback object at 0x0000027B6F952780>

which is what i get if i execute main from mysub.py without the multiprocessing.Process.

I've checked the underlying cpython (reference) and the problem seems to be that the try-except in the _boostrap function takes precedence over my child processes sys.excepthook but from my understanding, shouldn't the excepthook from the childs process fire first and then trigger the except from the _boostrap?

I need the child process to handle the exception using the sys.excepthook function. How can i achieve that?

CodePudding user response:

sys.excepthook is invoked when an exception goes uncaught (bubbling all the way out of the running program). But Process objects run their target function in a special bootstrap function (BaseProcess._bootstrap if it matters to you) that intentionally catches all exceptions, prints information about the failing process plus the traceback, then returns an exit code to the caller (a launcher that varies by start method).

When using the fork start method, the caller of _bootstrap then exits the worker with os._exit(code) (a "hard exit" command which bypasses the normal exception handling system, though since your exception was already caught and handled this hardly matters). When using 'spawn', it uses plain sys.exit over os._exit, but AFAICT the SystemExit exception that sys.exit is implemented in terms of is special cased in the interpreter so it doesn't pass through sys.excepthook when uncaught (presumably because it being implemented via exceptions is considered an implementation detail; when you ask to exit the program it's not the same as dying with an unexpected exception).

Summarizing: No matter the start method, there is no possible way for an exception raised by your code to be "unhandled" (for the purposes of reaching sys.excepthook), because multiprocessing handles all exceptions your function can throw on its own. It's theoretically possible to have an excepthook you set in the worker execute for exceptions raised after your target completes if the multiprocessing wrapper code itself raises an exception, but only if you do pathological things like replace the definition of os._exit or sys.exit (and it would only report the horrible things that happened because you replaced them, your own exception was already swallowed by that point, so don't do that).

If you really want to do this, the closest you could get would be to explicitly catch exceptions and manually call your handler. A simple wrapper function would allow this for instance:

def handle_exceptions_with(excepthook, target, /, *args, **kwargs)
        target(*args, **kwargs)
        raise  # Or maybe convert to sys.exit(1) if you don't want multiprocessing to print it again

changing your Process launch to:

    xprocess = Process(
        args=(mysub.myexception, mysub.main)

Or for one-off use, just be lazy and only rewrite mysub.main as:

def main():
        raise ValueError()
        raise  # Or maybe convert to sys.exit(1) if you don't want multiprocessing to print it again

and leave everything else untouched. You could still set your handler in sys.excepthook and/or threading.excepthook() (to handle cases where a thread launched in the worker process might die with an unhandled exception), but it won't apply to the main thread of the worker process (or more precisely, there's no way for an exception to reach it).

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