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Python Categorizing Dataframe columns based on part of the colomn name


Reproducible data:

import random
    data = {'test_1_a':random.sample(range(1, 50), 7),
            'test_1_b':random.sample(range(1, 50), 7),
    'test_1_c':random.sample(range(1, 50), 7),
    'test_2_a':random.sample(range(1, 50), 7),
    'test_2_b':random.sample(range(1, 50), 7),
    'test_2_c':random.sample(range(1, 50), 7),
    'test_3_a':random.sample(range(1, 50), 7),
    'test_4_b':random.sample(range(1, 50), 7),
    'test_4_c':random.sample(range(1, 50), 7)}
    df = pd.DataFrame(data)


I have a data frame similar to the example I gave above with 1000ish columns. The column name format is as following:

test_number_family so test_1_c would be a number type of 1 and the family of "c"

I want to classify the df by column names of the same "family" type. So my final output needs to be a list of lists of same family values:

Output example:

[ [a_familily values], [b_familily values],...]

it would also look like the values of columns:

[ [test_1_a, test_2_a , test_3_a ] , [test_1_b, test_2_b , test_3_b ] , ...]

What I have:

#### transfers data frame into a sorted dict (by column name) by columns as key
col_names = [ i for (i,j) in df.iteritems() ]
col_vals = [ j for (i,j) in df.iteritems() ]

df_dict = dict(zip(col_names, col_vals))

families = np.unique([ i.split("_")[2] for i in dict1.keys() ])

I have classified each column name with its associated value and extracted the unique number of groups I want to have in the final output as "families". I now am seeking help in categorizing the data frame into a length(families) number of lists identical to the output example I have given above.

I hope my explanation has been clear, thank you for your time!

CodePudding user response:

Let's keep track of the different families in a dictionary, the keys being the letters (the families) and the values being lists holding the columns from a certain family.

Since we know that each column ends with a letter related with its family, we can use that as a key in the dictionary.

from collections import defaultdict
families = defaultdict(list)

for col in df.columns:

Now for example, in families["a"], we have:

[0    26
 1    13
 2    11
 3    35
 4    43
 5    45
 6    46
 Name: test_1_a, dtype: int64,
 0    10
 1    15
 2    20
 3    43
 4    40
 5    35
 6    22
 Name: test_2_a, dtype: int64,
 0    35
 1    48
 2    38
 3    13
 4     3
 5    10
 6    25
 Name: test_3_a, dtype: int64]

We can easily get a per-family dataframe with concat.

df_a = pd.concat(families["a"], axis=1)

Gets us:

   test_1_a  test_2_a  test_3_a
0        26        10        35
1        13        15        48
2        11        20        38
3        35        43        13
4        43        40         3
5        45        35        10
6        46        22        25

If we were to create a dictionary of dataframes per family,

dfs = {f"df_{fam}" : pd.concat(families[fam], axis=1) for fam in families.keys()}

Now, the dictionary dfs contains:

{'df_a':    test_1_a  test_2_a  test_3_a
 0        26        10        35
 1        13        15        48
 2        11        20        38
 3        35        43        13
 4        43        40         3
 5        45        35        10
 6        46        22        25,
 'df_b':    test_1_b  test_2_b  test_4_b
 0        18         4        44
 1        48        43         2
 2        30        21         4
 3        46        12        16
 4        42        14        25
 5        22        24        13
 6        43        40        43,
 'df_c':    test_1_c  test_2_c  test_4_c
 0        25        15         5
 1        36        39        28
 2         6         3        37
 3        22        48        16
 4         2        34        25
 5        39        16        30
 6        32        36         2}

CodePudding user response:

What do you think of an approach like that ? Use pd.wide_to_long with the result of a long dataframe with splitted columns, one with the whole classification like 1_a, one only with the number, one with the family and their values.

df = (pd.wide_to_long(

df[['number', 'family']] = df['classification'].str.split('_', expand=True)
df = df.reindex(columns=['classification', 'number', 'family', 'values'])


   classification number family  values
0             1_a      1      a      29
1             1_a      1      a      46
2             1_a      1      a       2
3             1_a      1      a       6
4             1_a      1      a      16
..            ...    ...    ...     ...
58            4_c      4      c      30
59            4_c      4      c      23
60            4_c      4      c      26
61            4_c      4      c      40
62            4_c      4      c      39

Easy to groupby or filter for more analysis. If you want to get dicts or lists of specific data, here some examples:

filter1 = df.loc[df['classification']=='1_a',:]
filter2 = df.loc[df['number']=='2','values']

{'classification': ['1_a', '1_a', '1_a', '1_a', '1_a', '1_a', '1_a'],
 'number': ['1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1'],
 'family': ['a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a'],
 'values': [29, 46, 2, 6, 16, 12, 38]}

[8, 2, 43, 9, 5, 30, 28, 26, 25, 49, 3, 1, 47, 44, 16, 9, 8, 15, 24, 36, 1]
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