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Close application when input window is closed and return to start if input is empty or doesn't


I wrote a small program, but it has a slight issue. The user is supposed to input a value, which corresponds to a number. The problem with the code is that whenever you enter nothing at all, enter a value hat doesn't exist or close the input window, it still runs the code following it.

$A = 87
$B = 130
$C = 80
$D = 83
$E = 78
$F = 92
$input = $(
      Add-Type -AssemblyName Microsoft.VisualBasic
      [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox('Select a computer','Test', 'row/column')


  if($input -eq 'E2')
     Set-Variable -Name "ip" -Value $A
  if($input -eq 'A2')
    Set-Variable -Name "ip" -Value $B 
  if($input -eq 'D3')
    Set-Variable -Name "ip" -Value $C 
  if($input -eq 'C3')
    Set-Variable -Name "ip" -Value $D 
  if($input -eq 'E4')
     Set-Variable -Name "ip" -Value $E
  if($input -eq 'F4')
     Set-Variable -Name "ip" -Value $F
#remaining code#

I'd like the application to close when I X out of the input window & return to the beginning of the script if a wrong value or none is entered at all, but I'm new to PowerShell and can't seem to figure it out.

CodePudding user response:

As Jeroen Mosterd commented, you can make this much easier using a Hashtable with corresponding Name/Values instead of using separate variables.

Also, don't use a variable called $input because that is a Automatic variable in PowerShell

Try something like this:

$hash = @{
    E2 = 87
    A2 = 130
    D3 = 80
    C3 = 83
    E4 = 78
    F4 = 92

Add-Type -AssemblyName Microsoft.VisualBasic

do {
    $ip = $null
    $choice = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox('Type the name of a computer','Test')
    # exit the loop if the user cancels the box or clicks OK with an emty value
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($choice)) { break }

    $ip = $hash[$choice]
} until ($ip)

if (!$ip) { exit }

# remaining code#
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