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Query a single element from a dictionary-like column in SQL


I have a PostgresSQL table that looks as follows:

id             order_id   products
[PK] integer   integer    character varying
1              123        {"type": "foo", "counts": 2}
2              456        {"type": "foobar", "counts": 4}
3              789        {"type": "foo", "counts": 1}
4              678        {"type": "baz", "counts": 3}

I would like to query for only where type = foo.

In another query, I've successfully used the following:

    table_a.data::json->>'type' prod_type,
FROM table.a

But, this only works because the data column is JSON type.

How would I index into the products column such that I only return type = foo?

1              123        {"type": "foo", "counts": 2}
3              789        {"type": "foo", "counts": 1}


CodePudding user response:

You can try something like this:

FROM test
WHERE products::json->>'type' = 'foo';

Sample Output:

enter image description here

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