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How do I acces the products element in a website with shadow-root?


I am new to python and I am trying to learn. I am currently doing a web scraping project on a website that has a shadow-root, but I have trouble accessing the elements under the shadow-root. I would really appreciate a bit of help and some advice. The program is 'untitled0.py'. Also, I am trying to only use selenium webdriver, and as a last resort shadowpy. Whatever I did, product_name_TOS returned an empty list.

import pandas as pd
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.chrome.service import Service
from webdriver_manager.chrome import ChromeDriverManager
service = Service(executable_path=ChromeDriverManager().install())
driver_TOS = webdriver.Chrome(service=service)
prod_names_TOS = []
prod_prices_TOS = []
shadow_host_TOS = driver_TOS.find_element("id", "wmHostPrimary")
shadow_root = driver_TOS.execute_script('return arguments[0].shadowRoot', shadow_host_TOS)
#shadow_root_TOS = shadow_host_TOS.shadowRoot
products_TOS = shadow_root.find_elements("css selector", ".prodCardWrap")
for product_TOS in products_TOS:
    product_container_TOS = product_TOS.find_element("class name", "prodCardR")
    product_name_TOS = product_container_TOS.find_element("class name", "prodTitle").get_element("innerText")

CodePudding user response:

Almost everything is correct, there is just a small error in

product_name_TOS = product_container_TOS.find_element("class name", "prodTitle").get_element("innerText")

The method is not .get_element but .get_attribute. Notice that in this case you can also use .text

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