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How to store special characters in oracle?


I trying to save a string with special characters in oracle database. In this string contains all available characters in keyboard phone. The problem: some characters turned '¿'. I need to store the exact characters I inserted in.

I simulated some cases with the bellow code:

1 - I created a test table with some columns of different type, clob, nclob, varchar2, nvarchar2

create table specialCharacters (
  testColumn1 clob null,
  testColumn2 nclob null,
  testColumn3 varchar2(1000) null,
  testColumn4 nvarchar2(1000) null

2 - I wrote a example string with some special characters based on the keyboard fone:

' ¹⅕⅙⅛¹½½⅓¼²⅔'


3 - I inserted this strings in all columns in specialCharacters, I tried of two differents methods in clob and nclob:

insert into specialCharacters values 
  (' ¹⅕⅙⅛¹½½⅓¼²⅔', 
   ' ¹⅕⅙⅛¹½½⅓¼²⅔', 
   ' ¹⅕⅙⅛¹½½⅓¼²⅔', 
   ' ¹⅕⅙⅛¹½½⅓¼²⅔'

insert into specialCharacters values 
  ( ';,¿‽?`•~\|□{}€£¥₩♣︎♧¿◆◇♥︎♡♠︎♤■□●○•°★☆▪︎¤《》¡¿,.#?$!%^@,?!!',
insert into specialCharacters values 
  (TO_CLOB(' ¹⅕⅙⅛¹½½⅓¼²⅔'), 
   TO_NCLOB(' ¹⅕⅙⅛¹½½⅓¼²⅔'), 
   ' ¹⅕⅙⅛¹½½⅓¼²⅔', 
   ' ¹⅕⅙⅛¹½½⅓¼²⅔'
insert into specialCharacters values 
  ( TO_CLOB(';,¿‽?`•~\|□{}€£¥₩♣︎♧¿◆◇♥︎♡♠︎♤■□●○•°★☆▪︎¤《》¡¿,.#?$!%^@,?!!'),

4 - the select result in specialCharacters:

select * from specialCharacters;

enter image description here



enter image description here


enter image description here

The function dump in clob columns doesn't appear to work, but in testColumn3 and testColumn4 returned this result:

enter image description here

enter image description here

Finally, I tried to change the character to AL32UTF8, but doesn't work, I think the pattern character already covers the AL32UTF8 character

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

Can you check the charset on the database, recommended is AL32UTF8. If its different you may probably have to alter the character on your DB. If its live/prod DB backup is advised.

select * from v$nls_parameters where parameter in ('NLS_CHARACTERSET');

Refer this Oracle doc on charset

CodePudding user response:

Never call alter database character set ...! You may corrupt your entire database.

Character set WEMSWIN1252 cannot not store characters like ◇♥︎♡♠︎♤■□●○•°★☆▪︎¤《. You need to use an Unicode character set, preferably UTF-8, aka. AL32UTF8. For proper migration see (see Character Set Migration and/or Oracle Database Migration Assistant for Unicode)

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