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How to programatically perform .onDelete animation on List in SwiftUI?


I have 2 ways to delete an item in the List

  1. Swipe. It's achieved by .onDelete modifier and works fine
  2. Custom Delete button on each List Item.

By tapping on the custom Delete button, how can I programmatically perform the .onDelete with UITableView default deleting animation?

Important: I don't mean just using withAnimation. I mean default animation for row deleting on the List, when row became red and collapsing.

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var countries = ["USA", "Canada", "England", "Cameroon", "South Africa", "Mexico" , "Japan", "South Korea"]
    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            List {
                ForEach(countries, id: \.self) { country in
                    HStack {
                        Button {
                            //What to put here to trigger default deleting animation?
                        } label: {
                .onDelete(perform: self.deleteItem)
            .navigationBarTitle("Countries", displayMode: .inline)
    private func deleteItem(at indexSet: IndexSet){
        self.countries.remove(atOffsets: indexSet)

CodePudding user response:

Perform actually the same with animation, like

Button {
  withAnimation {
    self.countries.removeAll { $0 == country }    // << here !!
} label: {

in the case of other animations implicit withAnimation in Button should be removed and used explicit one per model value, like

List {
    ForEach(countries, id: \.self) { country in
      // other code ...
    .onDelete(perform: self.deleteItem)
.animation(.default, value: countries) // << here !!

CodePudding user response:

you could try something like this approach to I want default List deleting animation like row became red and collapsing.:

struct ContentView: View {
    @Environment(\.editMode) var editMode  // <-- here
    @State var countries = ["USA", "Canada", "England", "Cameroon", "South Africa", "Mexico" , "Japan", "South Korea"]
    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            List {
                ForEach(countries, id: \.self) { country in
                    HStack {
                        Button {
                            // -- here
                            editMode?.wrappedValue = .active == editMode?.wrappedValue ? .inactive : .active
                        } label: {
                .onDelete(perform: self.deleteItem)
            .navigationBarTitle("Countries", displayMode: .inline)
         // .navigationBarItems(trailing: EditButton()) // <-- here if desired
    private func deleteItem(at indexSet: IndexSet){
        self.countries.remove(atOffsets: indexSet)
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