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How to get the data of product Name at once and display it?


On my last post, I asked how to get the data under foods, which is the product Name. Now I'm having problem getting every product Name data and show it all at once.

firebase and recycler view:


databaseReference.child("Requests").addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
    public void onDataChange(@NonNull DataSnapshot snapshot) {

        // clear old items / users from list to add new data/ users

        // getting all children from users root
        for (DataSnapshot Requests : snapshot.getChildren()) {

            // to prevent app crash check if the user has all the details in Firebase Database
            if (Requests.hasChild("askfor") && Requests.hasChild("tablet") && Requests.hasChild("total")) {

                // getting users details from Firebase Database and store into the List one by one
                final String getaskfor = Requests.child("askfor").getValue(String.class);
                final String gettablet = Requests.child("tablet").getValue(String.class);
                final String gettotal = Requests.child("total").getValue(String.class);
                // final String getproductName = Requests.child("productName").getValue(String.class);

                String getproductName = "null";
                if (Requests.hasChild("foods")) {
                    for (DataSnapshot foodSnapshot : Requests.child("foods").getChildren()) {
                        getproductName = foodSnapshot.child("productName").getValue(String.class);
                // creating user item with user details
                MyItems myItems = new MyItems(getaskfor, gettablet, gettotal, getproductName);

                // adding this user item to List

CodePudding user response:

To get all product names as a single string, you can do:

String getproductName = "null";
if (Requests.hasChild("foods")) {
    for (DataSnapshot foodSnapshot : Requests.child("foods").getChildren()) {
        getproductName = getproductName   foodSnapshot.child("productName").getValue(String.class);

CodePudding user response:

first of all set the "Request" variable with a lowercase (requests)


        // getting all children from users root
        for (DataSnapshot requests : snapshot.getChildren()) {

            // to prevent app crash check if the user has all the details in Firebase Database
            if (Requests.hasChild("askfor") && Requests.hasChild("tablet") && Requests.hasChild("total")) {

                // getting users details from Firebase Database and store into the List one by one
                final String getaskfor = Requests.child("askfor").getValue(String.class);
                final String gettablet = Requests.child("tablet").getValue(String.class);
                final String gettotal = Requests.child("total").getValue(String.class);

                // final String getproductName = Requests.child("productName").getValue(String.class);

                String getProductName = "";
                if (Requests.hasChild("foods")) {
                    for (DataSnapshot foodSnapshot : Requests.child("foods").getChildren()) {

  getProductName  = foodSnapshot.child("productName").getValue(String.class); 
                // creating user item with user details
                MyItems myItems = new MyItems(getaskfor, gettablet, gettotal, getproductName);

                // adding this user item to List

// add blank space if required: getProductName = getProductName " ";

** You are also forgeting concatenate all the product names, so thats why you always get the last product name but not the others.

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