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Fill one Dataframe Column from specific value in list of another column


My dataframe has a column pairs that contains a key-pair list. Each key is unique in the list. e.g:

df = pd.DataFrame({
        'id':  ['1', '2', '3'],
        'pairs': [ ['abc/123', 'foo/345', 'xyz/789'],  ['abc/456', 'foo/111', 'xyz/789'],  ['xxx/222', 'foo/555', 'xyz/333'] ]

Dataframe is:

  id | abc  | pairs
  1  |None  | [abc/123, foo/345, xyz/789]
  2  |None  | [abc/456, foo/111, xyz/789]
  3  |None  | [xxx/222, foo/555, xyz/333]

The column abc is filled with the value in column pairs if an element (idx=0) split by \ has the value (key) =='abc'.

Expected df:

  id | abc  | pairs
  1  |123   | [abc/123, foo/345, xyz/789]
  2  |456   | [abc/456, foo/111, xyz/789]
  3  |None  | [xxx/222, foo/555, xyz/333]

I look for something like:

df.loc[df['pairs'].map(lambda x: 'abc' in (l.split('/')[0] for l in x)), 'abc'] = 'FOUND'

my problem is to replace the FOUND by the correct value the l.split('/')[0]

CodePudding user response:

You can use .str repeatedly:

df['abc'] = df['pairs'].str[0].str.split('/').loc[lambda x: x.str[0] == 'abc'].str[1]


>>> df
  id  abc                        pairs
0  1  123  [abc/123, foo/345, xyz/789]
1  2  456  [abc/456, foo/111, xyz/789]
2  3  NaN  [xxx/222, foo/555, xyz/333]

More readable alternative:

x = df['pairs'].str[0].str.split('/')
df.loc[x.str[0] == 'abc', 'abc'] = x.str[1]

CodePudding user response:

Use str.get as much as you like ;)

s = df['pairs'].str.get(0).str.split('/')
df['abc'] = np.where(s.str.get(0) == 'abc', s.str.get(1), None)

CodePudding user response:

Try, you don't need apply nor lambda functions:

a = df['pairs'].str[0].str
df['abc'] = a.split('/').str[1].where(a.startswith('abc'))


  id  abc                        pairs
0  1  123  [abc/123, foo/345, xyz/789]
1  2  456  [abc/456, foo/111, xyz/789]
2  3  NaN  [xxx/222, foo/555, xyz/333]

Note: str[0] is equal to using str.get(0).

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

"You can use .str repeatedly" -> Yes, but… it is quite slow!

In this context, it is much better to use a list comprehension:

df['abc'] = [x[1] if (x:=l[0].split('/'))[0].startswith('abc') else float('nan')
            for l in df['pairs']]

Rule of thumb: if you need 3 str or more, better try the list comprehension!

One picture is better than thousand words: test of the performance (all current answers) from 3 to almost 1M rows:

enter image description here

bonus: matching first "abc" on any position (not only 1st)
df['abc'] = [next((x.split('/')[1] for x in l if x.startswith('abc')), None)
             for l in df['pairs']]
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