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How to use column derived from SELECT subquery elsewhere in SQL query


I have two database tables that look something like this:

 ----------        ------------------ 
| Bookings |----->| Booking_Statuses |
 ----------        ------------------ 


  • Booking_Statuses is used to retain a history of the various stages that a booking can go through, such as PENDING or ACCEPTED, so I can construct a timeline of events for the booking. One Booking has many Booking_Statuses.
  • I'm using PostgreSQL.

I am trying to query the bookings for a particular user, along with its latest status:

SELECT "bookings".*,
            SELECT "status"
            FROM "booking_statuses"
            WHERE "bookings"."id" = "booking_statuses"."booking_id"
            ORDER BY "created_at" DESC
            LIMIT 1
       ) AS "last_status"
FROM "bookings"
WHERE "user_id" = $1
AND "last_status" IN ('PENDING', 'APPROVED')

It all works great, until I add the last line - AND "last_status" IN ('PENDING', 'APPROVED'), at which point I get the error: column "last_status" does not exist.

How can I use last_status outside of the SELECT subquery?

CodePudding user response:

Try something like this

SELECT * FROM bookings
  inner join booking_statuses on bookings.id = booking_statuses.booking_id
  user_id = $1
  AND last_status IN ('PENDING', 'APPROVED')
  "created_at" DESC

CodePudding user response:

Can you use something like this? You find your latest status id and then join it to bookings and then you can get the fields you need.

SELECT B."bookings".*, BB."status" AS "last_status"
FROM "bookings" B
JOIN "booking_statuses" BB ON BB.id = (SELECT id
            FROM "booking_statuses"
            WHERE B."id" = "booking_statuses"."booking_id"
            ORDER BY "created_at" DESC
            LIMIT 1)
WHERE "user_id" = $1
AND BB."last_status" IN ('PENDING', 'APPROVED')
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